Page 83 of Burn

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I’ve already been through and answered all the questions I knew I had answers for, but this last one is killing me slowly, and I’m basically watching the clock run out.

Because Crawford needed another reason to rake me over the coals.

Yay freaking me.

Of course, this is the one time Crawford allows pen and paper in his classroom, because laptops mean cheating, apparently. My hand is so sore from writing so much, at one point I thought it was going to cramp out. But now I’m almost missing the pain, because at least the pain meant I had the answers I needed.

“Time’s up!” Crawford announces, and a chorus of groans sound around the room. I glance over at Connor, who finished his test about twenty minutes ago. He looks cool as a cucumber. On the other side of me, Sawyer looks like he’s going to fall asleep since he didn’t actually take the test.

My misery officially has no close company.

I pack up my stuff as the TA collects the tests, groaning internally at just how bad I’m going to flunk this test and likely the one this afternoon too.

“Is Penn coming back to the dorm any time soon?” I ask Connor as we stand. Not that I don’t like living with the guys, but I miss my friend.

He glances over my shoulder at Sawyer and shrugs. “Honestly, I don’t know. She’s all kinds of shaken about it all still. Doesn’t think it’s safe in that dorm.”

“Is that why she’s been avoiding me too?” I ask, trying not to be bummed out that I’ve barely seen her the last few weeks.

“She’s not avoiding you,” he responds, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. “She’s just scared to let anyone get too close. She really liked Serena and it’s hitting her hard. I think she’s scared of losing anyone else.”

I nod, understanding the sentiment even if I don’t agree with it.

“Okay,” I respond, giving him a sad smile. “Are you guys going to the memorial next week?”

“Yeah. Penn wasn’t sure, but I figure she’ll regret it if she doesn’t. So I told her I wanted to go.”

“I guess we’ll see you guys there then.”

He leaves while I wait for Sawyer to drag his ass up, and of course that’s when Professor Crawford calls my name. “Miss Moore, do you have a moment?”

I roll my eyes and glance over at Sawyer, who is frowning at the professor.

“Alone,” he tags onto the end, and Sawyer glares at him.

When we reach the front of the class I squeeze Sawyer's hand and smile. “It’s cool, I’ll only be a second.”

He doesn’t look happy, and I’m sure I’ll hear all about it in a minute, but he gives me the space and exits the classroom, leaving me with the professor.

“Miss Moore, I’m sorry to say that with your grades thus far, and what I’ve seen of your answers so far today, you’re not going to be passing this class.”

Sorry my ass. The smile on his face tells me just how freaking sorry he is.

“So what can I do? I don’t want to have to retake the class.”

He laughs and shakes his head. “There isn’t anything you can do.”

“Then what was the point in even telling me?” I hiss.

His smile widens at my obvious frustration before he leans in way too close. “Because I wanted to see the look on your face when I told you.”

I take a step back so he’s not in my personal space, trying to shake off the major ick I’m getting from him right now. “What did I do to deserve you hating me like this?”

He quirks his brow and steps back into my space, and even though I try to back up, he mirrors my every step until he’s got me cornered. “You know exactly what you did, you little whore. You thought you could run away and face no consequences? Maybe you got away with it before, but not this time. If I can make your life hell, like you made hers, then that’s what I’ll do.”

His hand grasps my throat and he starts to squeeze as I claw at his wrist. Panic floods my system, but I’m saved by a knock at the door that distracts him. His grip falters and I manage to push away and run from the class.

Sawyer calls my name as I run past him, desperate to get away.
