Page 12 of Extra Thick

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Sasha’s apartment is small, just a studio with a tiny kitchen and a window that has a view of a brick wall. What the serious fuck? She deserves so much better than this. With a shake of my head, I throw my suitcase on her bed and open it up.

Sasha blinks at the empty interior.

“Dresser or closet?” I ask. “Which has the more important things?”

“What?” Sasha asks, giving me a bewildered look. “What are you doing?”


“Packing for what?”

“For you to come back with me.”

Sasha goes slack-jawed. “Are you crazy, Alden? You can’t just whisk me away like that. I have a life here. I have a job.”

“You like it here more than you liked being at my place?” I ask. “Really?”

“I worked hard to get here,” Sasha says angrily.

“I know you work hard. But you deserve a life that’s a hell of a lot better than this.”

She scoffs at me. “Who are you to judge what my life is like? Who the hell do you think you are?”

“I’m the man you’re going to marry.” I step closer to her. Cup her face in my hand. Run the pad of my thumb over her bottom lip. “I’m the one who’s going to take care of you from now on. The one who’s going to make sure you have everything you need.”

Her breath catches, her hazel eyes blinking at me. I can see the fantasy of our future life together rushing through her mind. Then, abruptly, she shakes her head. “No.”

A dagger pierces my heart. “You don’t want me to take care of you, angel?”

“I want you, Alden. But you can’t do things like this—you can’t just decide you’re going to have things a certain way when there’s another person involved. I’m not going to abandon my life and run off to be with you. That’s insane.”

I hold her gaze, searching her eyes, waiting for her to change her mind. But she holds her ground. She doesn’t even waver. She just returns my gaze, those gorgeous hazel eyes of hers unblinking, her decision firm.

“Fine,” I grunt. “Then I’m staying.”



Cory is leaning against his kitchen island in a pair of shorts and an undershirt, gaping at me like I’ve lost my mind.

“You’re doingwhatwith Alden Grey?” he chokes out. “Sasha, what the fuck?”

“It just all…kind of…happened?” I say, chewing nervously on my bottom lip. I came over to Cory’s apartment after work today to bring him chicken noodle soup and see how he was recovering from the flu. I didn’t intend to tell him about what happened with Alden yesterday, but it all came out anyway. “I know how irrational it sounds. I do.”

“Oh my God.” Cory furrows his brows and rubs his forehead like he’s suddenly got the worst migraine in the world. “So…wait. You’re saying you two had some kind of instant deep connection, you had copious amounts of sex, and now he wants you to be his mountain wife in the middle of nowhere.”

“That’s what he’s saying.”

“And he’s refusing to leave your apartment until you say yes.”

“It’s not like that,” I protest. “I like him being there.”

“Oh, I bet you do,” Cory says, a hoarse laugh bursting out of him. “Who wouldn’t want a well-hung guy making himself at home in their bed?”

I cover my face with my hands and groan. “I knew I shouldn’t have told you that.”

“Honestly? I’m impressed. Kudos to you for going big your first time.”
