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“Weapons class?” That sounds interesting. Fun, even.

“Yes. It’s a basic course required for all royal students. You need to know how to defend yourself.”


She gives me an odd look. “Because people are always trying to kill those in power. The higher your rank, the more your life is in danger.”

I gasp. “You’re pulling my leg! Or, I mean, my tail.”

“Pulling your tail?”

“It’s an expression.” I rub my temples. “What I mean is, you can’t be serious!”

“Of course I am.”

“So, I’m heir to the throne. In other words, Valora’s second most likely to be murdered.”

Sally nods, her expression like I’m talking about something as innocent as what to eat for lunch.

“And I’m only allowed a weapon in the weapons class?”

“Nobody’s going to try to kill you in the academy. There are strict rules against it.”

“Oh, that makes me feel much better.” I want to race back to the castle and slap my parents. How could they have brought me here into such a vicious place? What’s wrong with them? And how long have they been planning this?

Nothing is as it seemed this morning. My parents have been lying to me since the moment we left this city years earlier.

Sally continues taking path after path. Each one forks here and there. I’ll never be able to find my way back to the castle. Not that I’d likely ever have to take it alone. Servants are never going to leave my side.

“What’s it like at the academy?” I ask.

She turns to me. “You’ll have your room and your classes.”

“That’s helpful.”

“It varies by person. You might have sports or debate club. Maybe you’ll be in choir. I have no idea what your experience will be like.”

I take a deep breath. “Okay, then. What was your experience like?”

“Oh, I didn’t go to the Dark Sea Academy.”

“You went to one of the other ones?”

“Of course, your majesty. I went to the servant’s academy.”

Right. They’re all based on class. How classy. “What was it called?”

“It has no name.”

“Now you’re definitely pulling my leg.”

She just shakes her head.

This place is absolutely insane. Seriously certifiable. I start to say as much when the building comes into view. And calling it a building is an insult. It’s not as big as the castle, but it’s close. And Dark Sea Academy is the perfect name. The structure is made of black brick and the tall, skinny turrets make it look like something straight out of a horror movie. The carvings of fish heads with sharp teeth only make it more so. As far as I can see, the structure is protected with tall, thick, black—of course—rods with pointy ends. They must hold some kind of magic to be able to keep merpeople from just swimming over.

I kind of like the building. In fact, it’s the first place in Valora I actually want to check out.

A shiver runs down my spine. I feel like I’m about to enter a legit haunted mansion. It wouldn’t surprise me to see bats fly out, except bats don’t breathe under water.
