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Bash takes the papers and holds up an envelope. “Your key.”

I snatch it from him then unlock the door and open it. Freeze at the sight. It’s no dorm room—it’s practically an apartment. “I have a kitchen?”

“You have everything.” He smirks.

My internal organs all disintegrate. I have to stop looking at him. Clearing my throat, I manage to pull myself together. “I didn’t take it from an upper-year student, did I?”

His smirk deepens.

I look away. Whoever had the suite before me is going to hate me with a passion. “Are they in another suite?”

“There’s only one suite per school, princess.”

Of course there is. “Who’s my roommate?”

“Got me. Hurry up and change into your uniform. Like I said, I have things to do, but I have to show you around first.”

“Okay. Chill out.”

“Chill out?”

“It’s an expression. Never mind.” I rush inside and take in the suite. Half of it is set up as a two-person bedroom, and one side is already filled with belongings. Between the bedroom and the kitchen is a living room area.

“I said hurry. Get dressed.” Bash slams the door.

I go over to my roommate’s desk and look at the framed photos.


Relief washes through me. My childhood best friend is my roommate! The one person who won’t despise me for my position as heir to the throne.

Or will she? I haven’t seen her in over ten years. What if she’s grown to dislike me as much as the students who glared at me in the library? Or as much as Mrs. Middlebrooks?

Knock, knock!

“You dressed yet?”

“Hold your horses!”

“My what?”

Ugh. “Have some patience!”

I study the pictures of Halen. She has the same bright smile I remember. Same curly dark hair and friendly eyes. One photo of her with a pearl necklace makes her look elegant and grownup. None of the pictures include me. There aren’t any from our childhood.

My stomach flip-flops. What if Dad set this up, but she didn’t want it? Maybe she only said yes so she could live in the suite.

Knock, knock!

“Hey, princess!”

That guy is annoying when I don’t get to look at him. I don’t bother responding. Instead, I look around for my uniform. Nothing on my bed or desk. It’s all empty and void of personality, and yet I have no belongings to add. My things wouldn’t last under water.

I open a door between my desk and bed. A closet. It has two identical shimmery deep blue polo-style shirts. The same color as the one Bash has on.

He’s in the Royal school?

Is it bad that I assumed he wasn’t?
