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"Well, unless you want me to kick you out after this little rendezvous under the sheets, you should come with, because that's my plans for the day. Then I won't have to be the third wheel for the set of hornballs next door."

He begins thrusting inside of me, leaning closer as if he's going to kiss me but stops. "Okay. I think I'd rather stay."

Excitement floods my system, but it only stays for a moment before it's replaced by lust, because the fit is quite possibly better than any guy that's ever been there in the past. I've always liked sex, but I also rarely miss it when I go without. But this . . . could be something I would miss.

My fingers run through his hair and I pull his lips against mine. Morning sex, amusement parks, and a sexy date—the ingredients for a damn good day.


I follow her through Luna Park, letting her lead to the next ride like I've done since we split off from Saxton and Kambry after that interesting car ride. They went to Deno’s Wonder Wheel Amusement Park and Tynleigh pulled me here. Something about the thrill being better. I've never been much of a thrill seeker, and even if I was an amusement park isn't what would come to mind. I've only been to one a few times in my life, all close to home. Disneyland is the one I remember the most vividly. Something along the lines of snowboarding in Lake Tahoe or bungee jumping off a cliff would be in the running for my money.

With that said, the sound of her laughter on each roller coaster or ride keeps me interested. It's a side of her I have yet to see, a drastic change from the girl at the movies. She's relaxed, not thinking about anything in particular except the fun at hand. She's having a good time. The crazy part is it makes her that much more beautiful. She's not like any of the other girls I've ever hooked up with, which has to explain me volunteering personal things about myself that I never tell to girls, like this morning.

Maybe it's that she's my best friend's sister and that gives her VIP status to a degree. For some reason I don't think that's the case with her. She isn't clingy, she doesn't focus on what could be instead of what is, she doesn't press me for details I don't want to give or ramble about things in her life I really don't care about, and for the sake of my dick she's dynamite in bed. She's the perfect combination of give and take, and that makes me realize why Saxton never bragged about his hot sister over the years. If I had a sister, I could imagine the thought of your friends banging her isn't something to risk.

Looking around the park as far as the eye can see, I can't imagine there is a big ride here we haven't already ridden, but as she takes off once again, she looks like she knows where she's going, so I follow. It's better for me this way. My job is simple. I play the role I've only played a few times in my life: the date. And when it comes to that handful of times, four out of five were formals. Any guy knows girls put out at formals more times than not. You play the escort and they hand out the thank you card at the end of the night for giving them a reason to dress up.

It's been the same pattern since we got here. I walk up to the ride operator, hand him the tickets, and my life is peaceful. It has been since I met her, and I'm trying not to wonder why that is. After years of stress, I hardly recognize the calm after the storm. For once I have no decisions to make. I don't have to deal with other people's shitty problems. It's a change I've needed for a while.

But then I can't help but feel guilty, because I came for Joel yet I've barely seen him. Karleigh's death date is always the hardest for him; at least I think it is. Joel rarely talks about it. He drowns himself in anything that can numb his pain or emotions, and he puts on a front. The part I'm trying not to consider—as Tynleigh runs ahead and turns in front of me, a sexy grin spread across her face with her eyes revealing her excitement—for the sake of our family and friendship, is that the guilt isn't strong enough for me to cut my time with her, and that makes me a pretty fucking shitty friend.

"So, how are your racing skills?"

I can feel the answer in my smile before the words expel. "That depends. Why do you ask?"

"Because Go-karts are next, and I drive dirty to win," she says, her thumb pointing over her shoulder at the raceway behind her stocked with bright colored karts. "So don't go easy on me."

I stop in front of her, our lips only a few inches apart, my eyes locking with hers. "Not a chance. A girl will never beat me."

She starts to back away slowly with a dimple-showing grin, her thumbs hooked on the front pockets of her tiny shorts, pushing the bottom hem of her tee shirt up a little, revealing the narrowest strip of skin. She has her hair pulled into a low ponytail, the ends hanging over her shoulder to keep it out of her face. I prefer it down, but this is sexy too. Fuck, she's fine. "Put your money where your mouth is."

I stalk toward her, keeping pace. "Name the price."

"If I win, you come with me tomorrow for wedding planning. Kambry thinks I have to work all day, but I have a lot to do in a short amount of time. Besides, there is a tux with your name on it somewhere. Rumor has it that you've been crowned the best man."

"And here I thought I was just crashing the wedding so you'd have a date." I grab her shirt, stopping her, our bodies connecting at the right time. "What if I win?"

"I'll let you fuck me in the dressing room in front of the mirror. I know how much you like to stare at my ass and tits. Imagine a two-for."

"Sounds like I'm your bitch-boy either way . . ."

"I'm glad you see how this works."

"I guess I better win then," I say, my lips inching closer to hers, almost touching . . .

"Uh uh uh," she says. "No lip action till you cross the finish line." Her fingers scratch back and forth in my beard, underneath my chin. "I like this too much. I don't need any distractions."

Then she suddenly turns and takes off. "First one there gets to pick the best kart."

She's going for the front. Fuck. I was blindsided. Then I remember . . .

I have the tickets. My face tells all when she gets to the operator and turns to look at me. I pull the tickets out of my pocket and hold them up. "Looking for these?"


I glance back at Bryant from the front row, showing him a completely cocky and cheesy grin as I wave. He's in the third, giving me a head start. It pays to know how to keep the upper hand. When I remembered he had the entry tickets, he thought he had me. The look on his face said he expected me to give in and wait for him at the back of the line. I did the next best thing. I turned around and promised the teenybopper behind me in line a cotton candy on top of payback if she'd spot me the tickets. Sugar talks.

I could barely contain my grin when he watched as I walked through the gate to find my car. It was only appropriate that I blew him a kiss as I passed. Now here I sit, wearing the perfect shade of red . . . on my car that is. He's pouting in the lime green, his sneaker firmly against the gas without pressing down. I can tell from here, the way his bottom lip pushes out a little further than the top. The problem—I want to bite it.

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