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I've been awake for a while, watching her sleep. I've never watched a woman sleep. Under normal circumstances I've always thought it was a little creepy. The thought of someone being in a deep slumber while someone else just stares at them has always been something in the nature of stalking or listed under the category of a weird perversion to me, and that's something I've never been. But now, lying here to the comfort of her even breathing is relaxing in a world of stress.

I woke when the sunlight started beaming through the windowpanes of Joel's balcony doors. I can't sleep for shit with sunlight blinding me. It's not often I can sleep in a lighted room of any kind. At home I have blackout curtains to create a chilled black cave. Dark and cold are the way I like it. Since my eyes opened to find her sleeping, I've laid here, still pressed against her, thinking about last night. So many thoughts are going on in my head, my mind trying to decipher what was real and what was just part of the high. The more I think about it, the more confused I become. Confusion isn't a good trait for me. It's rare that I'm confused about anything.

The apartment is silent, aside from the light sounds she makes occasionally when she exhales. It's hard to explain, but every few breaths a light sigh comes out as if she's relieved of something. It's hypnotic, always coming in a pattern at the same time. I can almost count when it'll come.

I halfway expected to wake up on opposite sides of the bed, our bodies tangled within the sheets instead of each other. I've done a lot of things over the years to avoid being an ass to girls, like the occasional stay over for repeat booty calls, but cuddling was never one of them. I've never liked someone hanging on me for long periods of time. And because I've never had a mother, I've never questioned it. I figured it was just part of the tradeoff. With her, right now, I don't want to move. The part I question is why. Why her yet no one else? Is it because she's so much like me in terms of keeping her distance?

She moves, wiggling her ass against my dick. My eyes clench shut and I hold my breath, trying to keep from getting a hard-on. That's not the kind of wakeup call I'm going for. She settles back in, mumbling a few words that aren't decipherable with human ear. I begin to breathe again, my arm still wrapped around her body and our legs in a tangled mess.

I'm almost positive Joel never came back home last night once he slipped out. I've never gotten pissed at Joel over a girl, not once in my life. To both of us girls were always replaceable . . . until he met Karleigh. And since she's been gone we've partied hard, in ways just like before she came into the picture, maybe more; even to the point of sharing girls on occasion when one caught both of our eyes. It was never a big deal because we kept our space from each other. There are enough positions and places on a woman to shove a cock into without either of us ever touching. I've never gotten jealous. Last night a part of me emerged I don't even recognize, and through the whole thing he kept a playful demeanor as if I wasn't acting out of character at all.

Tynleigh suddenly bolts upright, the sheet falling to her waist and leaving her upper half bare, quickly throwing out a string of curse words that puts a smile on my face. "Fuck, fuck, fuck. What the hell time is it?"

She turns and hangs her body off the side of the bed, feeling around on the floor with her hand, giving me a perfect view of her ass, and a little of what's between her legs that’s kept me strung out lately. My hand brushes along her pussy, the tips of my fingers gliding down her entire center, causing her to scream out and fall off the bed. "Shit, my bad," I laugh, as she jumps up from the floor.

"Asshole," she mumbles, the hint of a smile on her face as she twirls around in circles like a dog chasing its own tail, her eyes glancing across the floor. "I've got to go. I still have to go home and get cleaned up and fuck, what time is it?"

I'd start getting dizzy if she wasn't so fucking beautiful, giving me a full, naked view. I reach over and grab her hand when I catch a glimpse of it, pulling her back in bed on top of me. She squeals and tries to break her fall on my chest. "We have to go. Stop seducing me with your sexy smile and beard voodoo."

I lift my head and rub my beard between her tits until I can feel the chill bumps speckled all over her skin. "What beard voodoo?"

She kisses me briefly, pushing up on my chest. "You know exactly what beard voodoo. The one both of you have. I need to get dressed."

I pull her back against me, tugging her leg over my body all the way so she's straddling me. "We have time."

My eyebrows dip, causing lines in the center. She rubs her fingers along them, smoothing them out. "What's wrong?"

"A part of me was hoping last night was just a fucked up dream."

"I'm not sure I understand. It wasn't fun for you? You got off, right? I don't think I imagined that."

My sudden good mood has plummeted, and the fact that it has pisses me off. "He's been between your legs."

"So have you. Explain what you mean?"

"I thought I'd be okay with it. I'm not."

And suddenly she fucking grins. When rage is shooting through every vein in my body. I feel bipolar, going from one extreme to the other. "It's a little late to be upset, isn't it?"

"I remember being against it from the beginning."

"Why? I thought we were just having fun."

"I don't know," I say honestly.

"Are you jealous?"

"I don't know that I want to answer that question."

She pulls at the bottom of my beard. "Well, last night was fun and all, but if it makes a difference I like when you do it more. You feel better." She slips a kiss my way. "And you're the only man I've let inside me bare. That should tell you something."

I flip us over, ramming my now hard cock against the center between her thighs, my hands sliding up her arms when she raises them above her head until our hands are laced at the seams. I grab my dick and thrust inside. "I think that's the problem," I say through gritted teeth. "I like this way too fucking much. How am I supposed to stop?"

I push onto my knees, lifting her bottom off the mattress by the front of my thighs shoving against the backs of hers. My strokes are quick and long, hard, my eyes never straying from hers. She wraps her legs around me, taking every hard hit. "The same way I will. We have no choice."

I bulldoze my cock into her over and over, trying to fuck the aggression out of me. She squeezes my hands, each moan getting louder. "I don't want anyone else in here. I already want to wash him off of you."
