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"Ah shit. Fine. But so help me God, if your drunk ass goes home with another guy I'll come find your ass and slit his throat. Your pussy is mine while I'm here and I expect payout after this. Saxton is the worst person to have a boys' night with."

"Promise. Now, come with me if you must, but I need a shower. We can grab coffee at the coffee shop and then split up ’til later."

I roll off of her, letting her up and watching her ass all the way to the bathroom. I've got blinders on and pussy in my eyes. Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned, again, and again, and again.

On that note, I stand and migrate to the bathroom. Two days. I'm not wasting a fucking second.

Chapter Sixteen


Istand on the curb, pacing in a drunken manner, after watching Kambry get into a cab and leave like the fucking runaway bride. Saxton is going to hang me up and drain all the fucking blood from my body from between my toes with a single needle and leave me like I've been sucked dry by vampires. It's a real thing. I saw it onCSI: Miami.

I promised I'd keep an eye on her. God knows he didn't want to let her go. And now, here we are all standing on a curb like we just witnessed a murder. There are two extra people in this mix that I have no idea who they are. Some old fuck and one that looks somewhere around Meredith and Kambry's age; maybe a few years older. Meredith is in some deep aggressive conversation with the guy that could be my dad based on his age. His cheeks are red, showing his anger. If someone tells me this old bastard is an ex fuck or something I'm going to hurl.

I thought we were having fun. The two of them acted like they were having a little best friend moment that was much needed so I gave them space. The large age gap when it comes to partying can be a little smothering anyway. They're still in that hyperactive 'I'm conquering underage drinking' stage while I'm a mellower partier. I literally walked across the club and danced with a few guys for free drinks and suddenly all hell broke loose. Meredith saw me and grabbed me as I was bringing a drink from the bar, and then I saw a tiny, big-boobed Barbie running in fucking stilettos through the club—A.K.A Kambry, the motherfucking bride.

I stop; thought after thought plaguing my mind, hands on my hips. "Can someone explain to me what just fucking happened?" I scream. "Who the hell are you two?"

"I think I'm going to go," the younger guy says. "I did my part. It didn't work out in my favor."

Meredith and creepy crawler stop talking. She looks at me. "New York just got even smaller. This here is Kambry'sdad," she spits in disgust. "Ole boy hightailing it with his tail between his legs was her ex-boyfriend. I'm not real sure what his role in all of this was. Apparently, daddy-o has been stalking her online. I don't have all the details yet, because he RAN HER OFF! But, basically being a total douche canoe because he can't handle her having a life, being her own person, you know, that thing most kids do when they turn eighteen! 'Because his Christian ways are so on point with the Bible's teachings and all,'" she says in air quotes, her head moving along with her hand movements for more effect.

She turns to look at him again, poking her finger in his chest. "Who the hell watches their own daughter have sex! That's disgusting. Where is that in your Bible for good behavior, Mr. Rivers? Maybe it's just me, but I'm pretty sure that doesn't give you a token into Heaven. If you'rewatchingporn you're no different than the onesfilmingit. This kind of judgmental craziness is what pushes people away from the Bible, not brings them to it. You're one push away from some fucked up cult. I've read books about those brainwashing people."

"I was worried about her. Any good father would be. She is off with you, Meredith. You've been known for your wild ways. And look at how she's acting the second she leaves home. Having sex with some porn star for the world to see. It's embarrassing. Posting incredibly stupid things online for anyone crazy to find her isn't how she was raised. This is why the Internet is the devil's tool. What if I had been a real stalker? She could be dead somewhere by now, or worse, sold to another man in some other country as his sex slave. Instead of a person she'd be a piece of property where no one could find her."

"Well, I'll tell ya, Pops. He may be a porn star, but he protects her and makes her happier than you ever have. I guarantee if any man tried to snatch her, that boy would turn into some crazy psycho killer with no thought. She wouldn't get far if taken at all. That's how nuts he is about her. It's almost weird. Nothing is going to happen to her. She's entrusted with people that care about her. Unlike you, he listens to her, gives her a life, and lets her make her own decisions, mistakes even. All you ever gave her were double standards. And truth be told, he has more true morale in his little porn star finger than you have in your entire Bible-quotin' body. You're a hypocrite."

She pauses for merely a breath's length. "I'm finally an adult. I don't have to abide by those ‘respect your elders and keep your mouth shut rules’ when they deserve a good voicing of my opinion. I now can utilize my right to freedom of speech in the good ole U.S. of A. Did you know that while Kambry was scared of you and keeping herself spic and span with her purity, your own son and I were losing our virginities to each other under your own roof! He then got a pat on the back to hide what we were when he had sex with the preacher's daughter—fucking hussy—since we all know they're usually the worst, yet he kept coming back to me, over and over again, since I was fourteen! Where were your judgmental ways when it came to the preacher's whore of a daughter? Hmm? Just because she sat in the front pew every Sunday with innocent eyes and conservative clothes didn't make her better than the rest of us. And now, here he is, with me again, except this time he doesn't give a shit what you or anyone else thinks about us being together, obviously. No matter how hard you try you can't control your children, at least not forever. Let her go. Pry your damn fingers from her mind and walk away. If you had let her have some of the same options Ben did, she wouldn't have had to run away to have a life for herself, so don't you dare blame this on me, or anyone else for that matter! This is all you,Daddy. But I do know this: she's better off here with a tarnished reputation than she ever was a mute with you."

Both of their faces are blood red—his from anger or embarrassment one, and hers from barely taking a breath. "I need to call Saxton," she says, throwing her hands up and walking away.

I stare at him, hard, studying his features, and suddenly it all slides into place: the walk after trying on dresses, her tears before their jazz date, and every comment in between. "Baby balls? You're baby balls? The one that has had her upset every time you commented on their Tumblr posts? What is wrong with you? This isn't behavior from someone who cares. You're a bully, plain and simple. You bully people into doing what you want them to. Who says some of those things to people they hate, let alone their own children? Have you ever seen her cry? It's heartbreaking. This whole time you've been the reason? You've got to be fucking kidding me. What kind of sick fuck are you? I don't even look at their shit, and he's my brother. You're her dad!"

He stands proud, hands crossed over his chest and slightly zoned out, not offering many words. Maybe too many people slaying him with insults to say much is the reason. I gather my thoughts. "I only have one thing I need to say to you, and then I think you need to leave. That girl—your daughter—has a heart of gold. She's kind, innocent, and truly a spectacular individual. It's hard to believe there are still people like her in the world, as self-centered as most people are. She also has a lot of love to give, surprisingly, considering where she came from, or what is more appropriate. And if you're anything like the guy that made those horrible comments about her, to her, whatever they were, then luckily she's nothing like you. You should feel privileged to call her your daughter, because the goodness she radiates is remarkable. You could have been dealt a hand with bad kids, but you weren't, and it's surprising if you sheltered them even an increment of what I've already heard, and I'm guessing that was putting it mildly, because usually those kids are the worst. If she's happy and she's supporting herself, then that's all that matters. It isn't my business or yours how she makes a living. And honestly, if my kid was marrying the man she lost her virginity to, then I'd be damn proud, regardless of whether it was before or after she walked down the aisle."

His face softens a little. "By the way, that 'porn star' that you're referring to is my brother, and regardless of what you may think, he came from good parents. They don't agree with his lifestyle, and they've managed to deal with it for a while now, because to them, he was raised better than that. But sometimes being cruel to people leads them down a path that isn't so righteous. Some of the names you've called your own daughter—a whore—is the reason he's doing what he's doing. He loved a girl once that actually was a whore. She deserved that title while your daughter did not. She used him and broke him until he couldn't stand it anymore, so he turned to something thatcouldn'thurt him, just like you're doing to Kambry. You're pushing her into the very life that you don't want her in. Just leave her alone, like we've done with him. She'll find her way eventually. You know how I know that? Because he found her. He saw how good and valuable she is and he couldn't let her go. He finally let himself love a girl again, and I have to say he chose a damn good one, regardless of the path he's been down. And she's good to him. She accepted his shortcomings and never looked back. She loves him. From the way it looks she has more of an understanding of the Bible's perspective on love than you do. Maybe you should go back and re-read 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8, because it seems you have forgotten what it says. Those two belong together, whether you approve or not. I don't know about you, but I was always taught to treat others the way you want to be treated. If you want the respect of a loving father, then give your daughter the same respect. My parents always told me to teach your kids the ways in which you believe and they'll always come back to it, even if for a while they stray."

My phone starts ringing in my purse as Meredith begins making her way back toward us. I retrieve it.Bryant.I look up one more time, saying my final piece. "Tomorrow, whether you like it or not, your daughter is going to make a beautiful bride, because this is somethingshewanted. He didn't push her into this. She's only nineteen, and he knows that, but at such a young age she knows more about what she wants in life than I do at twenty-eight. And it's a shame she didn't want to include her own parents at her only wedding. It's supposed to be a special day for someone in love. And you're going to miss it. Her brother, your son, is going to be giving her away instead of her father. One day, you're going to look back and regret it all. If I were you, I'd learn to love her in all of her colors, before she doesn't let you love her at all. Don't lose your only daughter over selfishness, Mr. Rivers. I hope you have a safe trip back home."

My phone starts vibrating again. I walk away to answer it. "Hello."

"You're in so much fucking trouble," he says, laughing into the phone.

My eyes close. "Where is she?"

"The little whiny bitch has his woman in his possession. I must say whatever the hell happened I'm thankful, except for the crying. I don't do crying. Have I mentioned how much it sucks being at a strip club with Saxton? He shames men across America."

"Behave. So she's okay?"

"Better than. I'm still curious as to how she found us. Must have some kind of GPS lockdown on her man. Got that boy under a whip. I'm pretty sure I just overheard something about a double lap dance. Come play. I'd love to watch a hot stripper dance on you. Two women. Hot. Drinks are on me. Best man duties and all," he jokes.

I shake my head side to side. "You're ridiculous. So you get pissy about a guy touching me inappropriately but you're completely fine with a girl. Not cool, Bry."

"Hey, I never said inappropriate. Just round first base. Maybe even a little tongue action. But that pussy is mine, Ty. I'll fight a girl over it too. Good pussy is hard to find, so load up crazy ass and come to the strip club. I'm almost positive her boy is ready to go anyway, so you won't have to worry about trying to get her in. Playing with the big boys is more fun."

"You keep calling her crazy, yet you were just fucking her, repetitively from what I hear. She can't be that bad."
