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"Me and you both," I respond, and return to the lobby for the longest twenty-minute wait of my life.

Chapter Twenty-Two


Idisconnect the call and bend over the railing of our porch, looking out at the beach, my thoughts scrambled, moral issues consuming me. The door opens and then closes. I don't look back. I probably woke her. We haven't been back from Hawaii long enough to catch up on sleep. "Morning," she says, handing me a cup of coffee. "It's early. I figured you needed this. Is everything okay?"

I take it from her and stand upright, pulling her into my side before kissing her temple. "I'm not sure," I respond honestly, before walking over to the rocking chairs we just added outside, tapping my lap for her to sit in it.

She walks over and sits, wrapping her arm around the back of my neck. "Do you want to talk about it? Maybe I can offer my opinion?"

I begin rubbing my hand up and down her back, thinking. Technically she said not to tell Bryant. She never mentioned Kambry, and I don't keep secrets from my wife. "Tynleigh is pregnant."

"Oh shit. Seriously? Is it Bryant's?" She tenses. "That sounded way worse than I meant it. I didn't mean to imply—"

I laugh. Her innocence always was my downfall. "You didn't. People sleep around." I pause, remembering Kambry has only ever been with me. "Well, a vast majority of them. That's just the world we live in, baby. But yes, it's Bryant's. Tynleigh wouldn't lie about that. She doesn't even want me to tell him. But even if she hadn't I'd know it was. I'm not happy to say I witnessed him bare inside my sister a few weeks ago. It'll be a nightmare I carry around for a while. From now on, shut doors are off limits."

"What? Why not? I don't think I understand."

"She doesn't know if she's keeping it."

Kambry turns in my lap. "Sax, I don't mean to bring my conservative ways to the table, but if I was a guy I'd want to know. It's his baby. He has a right to know before she . . . kills it," she whispers, as if not even wanting to say it aloud. "I don't think Bryant is the kind of guy that would be a shitty person. It's not my place to judge, but I do think it should be a decision they make together." My hand wraps in her long, blonde hair falling down her back, looking out at the water. "Please tell me you're not going to go along with this."

I take a deep breath. "Honestly, I don't know what to do. She was crying so hard on the phone she could barely breathe. Do you know how long it's been since I've heard Tynleigh cry? I get what you're saying, but she should be the one to tell him. They're adults. Fuck, they're both older than us. By how much doesn't matter. They're the ones that laid together and made it. I don't have a part in it. I knew they were a disaster from the start living this far apart. No one fucking listened to me, and now I'm supposed to fix this shit?"

"It's our niece or nephew, Sax. An innocent baby that didn't ask to be here, but it is. Who's going to speak for it if we don't? I can't control anyone else's conscience, but I can control mine. You can control yours. I can't look at him for the rest of our lives with that secret, knowing he never knew he made a baby, with our sister, nonetheless. Would you want me to do that to you?"

I tense, no longer rocking against the porch. The way she saysourin regards to everything in our lives, including my family, still hits home for me. "Our niece or nephew, huh?"

"Yes. And that's something I don't want to give up without a fight. I'd be the same way with my brother if it were them, but I am pretty sure Meredith is too psycho to get pregnant before she's ready. She probably has her eggs on captive lockdown, being guarded by little sperm destroyers."

I start to laugh, shaking my head. "I wouldn't put it past her. Are you going to suddenly tell me I'm married to an animal rights activist, tree hugger, and baby pro-life speaker all wrapped into one happy, hot, sassy, big-titted woman?"

She stands, grabbing my phone off the railing, before bringing it to me. "I consider all angles before I pick a side. That baby is our family. Tell him, and I promise if it falls back on you I have your back. You can even blame it on me."

My heart softens as I take the phone. "You really want this to work out, don't you?"

"Yes. I saw them together. They want it. They just need a little push. And I believe everything happens for a reason. If I didn't, I would have never signed up to film porn with you and we wouldn't be married right now. Sometimes you just have to go with the unexpected."

"Sometimes it blows my mind that you're nineteen." I breathe out, taking a sip of my coffee, before locking my feet around her and pulling her between my legs. "She's going to be pissed."

She leans forward, her palms gripping the arms of the rocking chair she picked out. "Then we deal with it . . . together. For this cause it's worth it."

"I love you," I say, dialing Bryant's number.

"I know, and I love you. It's why I can call you my husband."

A few rings in and he picks up. "What's up?"

"You sound like shit."

"I didn't get much sleep. What you got for me?"

"I need to run something by for you. Where are you at?"

"Headed to the gym before I go into the store. What is it?"

"Same one as usual? I'll show you when I get there."
