Page 111 of Cruise Control

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When he'd approached her, he'd expected her tough-guy act. Instead, he got tears.

When he'd walked out of her apartment, he'd expected to get a "let's just be friends" phone call. Instead, she'd chased him down and thrown herself at him.

When he'd taken off her clothes, he'd expected their first time back together to possibly be awkward – there was a lot of tension and a lot of time between them. Instead, his mind had been blown.

He liked this Paige. It was like Paige 2.0 – willing to talk and be truthful about how she felt about him, but still able to kick him in the junk and tell him to get the fuck over it. Feisty and independent, but willing to let people in without so much fear.

He already couldn't wait to see her again, and he still hadn't left her side yet. It was like old times. Like they'd never been apart. Parker didn't know if he believed in fate, but he was positive he and Paige were meant to be together.

He stretched out his arms again and this time his hand connected with something. He felt around and found himself clutching a piece of paper. Paige had left some sort of note on her pillow. His heart leapt into his throat. Maybe he'd gotten ahead of himself, maybe she was too scared to tell him to fuck off to his face. He unfolded the paper, read it, then burst out laughing. He read it again.

Parker Carrington, will you please be my boyfriend? Circle Yes or No.

Clutching it in his hand, he got out of bed and made his way into the bathroom. Steam was rolling out around the shower curtain, and he pulled it back. Paige's back was to him and she was bent over to the side, scrubbing her leg.

She is so goddamn beautiful, and I will get to tell her that every day from now on.

She looked over her shoulder and he held up the note.

"I have a laundry list of demands. I'm gonna need to add some provisos and clauses before I circle anything."

A wash cloth hit him in the face.
