Page 53 of Cruise Control

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“Mmm hmm,” was all she managed in response before he moved back to her mouth.

Paige could honestly admit to imagining what sex with Parker would be like, but she'd certainly never imagined it like this. Parker was such a goofy, happy-go-lucky guy.

Pinning a girl against a wall and having his wicked way with her didn’t seem like a likely scenario, but here she was, pinned against the wall. She almost felt like it should be awkward. They'd tried so hard to act like they weren’t attracted to each other that she would have expected there to be some fumbling and awkwardness, but it wasn’t that way at all. It felt so natural and right. It didn’t feel like the first time; it all felt like something they did often, and did well.

She clawed at his back and arched away from the wall. He took one arm from her waist and ran his hand up her side, over her chest, up over her throat. She couldn't get over it – they'd hardly ever touched at all before tonight, and it was like they were making up for lost time. She wanted his hands everywhere. She moaned as his thumb pressed against her bottom lip and she nipped at it. He chuckled deeply and brought his hand back down to the small of her back.

“I've wanted to do this for so long. You feel amazing,” he whispered as his hand worked it’s way under the back of her shirt.

“You feel better,” she whispered back, leaning forward and biting on his earlobe. He hissed and dug his fingers into her skin.

“Closer,” he groaned and suddenly they were moving.

He dropped her onto the edge of the dresser. She let go of him and flung her arms behind her, trying to catch her balance. She hit a lamp and it fell over, crashing to the floor. Parker tugged at the hem of her shirt and she lifted her arms so he could strip it off her. She dropped her legs from his waist, but he grabbed her behind the knees and jerked her forward. They were now pressed together, chest to pelvis.

Paige shivered.

She pulled at his shirt as well and he pressed a hand flat against her chest, gently pushing her down. She moaned in protest, but let go of him and let him push her fully flat atop the dresser. More objects fell over and cologne bottles pressed into her back.

With his free hand, Parker grabbed his shirt by the back of the neck and pulled it over his head, all the while raking his other hand heavily down her body, all the way to the edge of her skirt – which was now completely up over her ass and pooled around the top of her hips. He only let up to completely remove his shirt, and then he stared down at her. He'd never looked at her so intensely. She felt another shiver run over her body.

“You are so fucking beautiful,” he whispered.

She pulled herself upright and wrapped her arms around him, dragging her nails across his shoulders. She couldn't handle the talking – she knew this all meant something deeper was happening between them, but she wanted it to just be sex. If he kept talking, she was going to irrevocably fall in love with him. He wouldownher.

And the idea of that scared her more than anything.

She kissed him, not caring how sloppy she was, running her tongue across his teeth and over the roof of his mouth. His hands squeezed her sides before moving up to her chest, palming her breasts. She moaned again and dropped her hands to his waist, undoing his belt and whipping it out of its loops. They had to get closer, immediately. Foreplay wasn't necessary – every previous moment together had been foreplay. She felt like she was ready to explode,now.

“Parker,” she whispered his name, licking her lips. He was so close she could feel his lips against the back of her tongue. His hands dropped to her hips, working their way under the bunched up fabric that was her skirt. He stopped at the edge of her underwear.

“Paige, I can’t stop after this. I won’t be able to,” he said, his voice sounding loud as he sought some sort of permission. She nodded, unbuttoning his pants.

“I wouldn’t want you to, don’t stop,” she urged, forcing his jeans down his hips.

His fingers hooked inside her underwear and he pulled them down. She tried to lift herself up enough so he could slide them under her butt, but he just growled and bunched up the fabric in his hands and yanked. One more yank and her panties didn’t exist anymore.

She gasped as he wrapped his arm back around her waist and pulled her forward, forcing her butt to hang off the edge of the dresser. He stared her in the eye for a second before leaning in and pulling her bottom lip between his teeth. He sucked on it and then bit down, hard. She cried out, and then suddenly he was pushing inside of her, all heat and hard length.

Paige’s eyes closed and she dropped her head back. She was lost, he filled her so completely. She could hear him moan, feel his arm tighten around her, but it was like she couldn't move. She could only sit there and feel everything that was Parker. And everything feltperfect. They were built for each other, she fit around him like a glove. Her breath came in gasps, escaping from her mouth in time to his thrusts.

She moaned his name, and hearing her own voice brought her back from outer space. She clawed at his back and brought her head around, pressing her forehead to his. Items from the dresser crashed to the floor around them. More breaking sounds. She put her hands in her hair and seconds later felt Parker’s hand at the back of her neck. He grabbed a fist full of hair and pulled hard, forcing her head back. She groaned loudly as his lips and teeth and tongue traced their way down her throat. She cried out when he pressed her back down against the dresser and gripped her high on her thighs, his thrusts getting faster, deeper. Aggressive. He was making up for lost time. She loved it.

She hadn’t ever imagined.Couldn’thave ever imagined it like this.

“Come here,” he said suddenly, yanking her upright.

She stared at him through eyes that weren’t quite able to focus. His skin was glistening from sweat and exertion, and she didn't think he'd ever looked sexier. She wanted to lick every inch of him, but he had other plans.

He grabbed her by the legs and picked her up again. She managed to get her arms around him as he shuffled them across the bedroom, still inside her. She started laughing when she realized he was shuffling because his pants were still around his ankles, but when he dropped them both onto the bed and used his full weight to drive into her, she stopped laughing and screamed from the intensity.

Her moans grew louder. He pinned her hands to the mattress by her head, and when she tried to move them, he held on tighter. He clearly wanted to be in charge, and for once, she didn't mind. She planted her feet on the bed on either side of his legs and pushed her hips into the air, meeting him thrust for thrust. It was his turn to moan. He leaned his head down next to hers and whispered her name against her ear.

"I thought about doing this to you every night we were together," he kept whispering.

"Oh my god, you should have just done it," she gasped.

"I will from now on.Every. Single. Night."
