Page 75 of Cruise Control

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“Wow. Four days, huh? I thought you had, like, a time limit for your drivers,” Trent joked. Paige rolled her eyes.

“Depends on the company, smart ass. So you’re just going straight home after this?” she asked, putting her hands into her back pockets. Trent nodded.

“Yeah, got some stuff to take care of – hey! Where are you headed after this?” he suddenly questioned. She glanced at Parker.

“Vegas, for a little,” she responded.

“Well, when you’re done there, you should totally drive down! I got this new thing going on, and I’m gonna be throwing a party to celebrate, all through the fourth of July. I brought a ton of fireworks up from Mexico last month and it’s gonna be kick ass. You can come and crash at my house,” he offered.

Parker wanted to go to Trent’s house about as badly as he wanted to shoot himself in the foot, but he didn’t get to have a say. Also, he belatedly realized, he hadn’t been invited.

“That sounds like a blast!” Paige squealed. Parker ground his teeth together.

“Alright. Just give me a call, okay? When you leave Vegas, I can make sure I got a room ready for you,” he instructed. His party of people began moving down the street, hollering at him.

“Okay! I’ll call you! Thanks, Trent!” Paige yelled after him, waving as he hurried after his friends.

Call him?

Parker distinctly remembered their first day together, when he'd given Paige his phone number. She'd warned him that she wouldn’t call, that she didn’t call anybody. Apparently, though, she called this guy. Parker wanted to punch something.

Or somebody.

“Let’s go,” he said abruptly, walking down the street. Paige struggled to keep up with his pace.

“What’s wrong? Why are you hurrying?” she asked. Parker shrugged, keeping his eyes trained on the glowing sign out in front of their motel.

“Nothing, it’s just late. I want to get to sleep,” he lied. She smirked.

“What is it you always say? ‘That is a lie if I ever heard one’, Parker,” she called him out. He shrugged.

“What? I didn’t like that guy,” he answered.

“You don’t know that guy,” she pointed out. He shrugged again.

“I don’t need to know him, it’s just a feeling I got. Seems like a bad guy,” Parker said.

“Ooohhh, now who isjealous?” she laughed loudly. He glared at her, stopping in front of their door.

“You wanna know what the difference is between you and me?” he snapped. She stopped laughing when she saw the serious look on his face, heard the tone in his voice.

“What?” she asked.

“I’mnot an asshole.”

And then he stepped inside and slammed the door in her face.
