Page 77 of The Immortal Tailor

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She blinked. “Woo! That was horrifying.” She shook her head from side to side. “Zac, are you feeling a little agitated lately?”

“Your abilities to discern the obvious are impressive. What did you just see?”

“I’m not certain, but I sensed something is going to be wrong with you.”

“Yes. And its name is Cimil. That’s definitely it.” And knowing he’d be stuck in the human world for a very, very long time while having to be around that little temptress Tula. How would he get anything done around here? He’d be obsessing over how to corrupt her. And help her, too, of course. Because he was a god and needed to help humans. Yes, they were all quite fucked up.

Cimil puckered her bright red lips, looking genuinely concerned—a rarity. “I have a feeling that this sentence of ours is not going to be easy on you, dear Zac. So given the kind and generous sister I am, I’ll hurry things along. Which makes it very convenient that I’ve identified the first client and laid out the entire game plan to avoid any hurdles, including recruiting—or blackmailing—same diff—our client’s BFF.Victimo numero unois as good as in the bag.”

Okay.This was good.Only ninety-nine more immortals to match up.

She continued, “So I suggest to make things move faster, I focus on our first client while you work with Tula there to set up a mixer. We can throw a wild lovefest for all of the eligible immortals looking for love.”

“Oh.” Zac rubbed his chin. An immortal singles mixer would surely result in a shitload of matches.It’s fucking genius.Not that he would admit that to Cimil.But she does have her moments.

“Now, get out,” she said. “I don’t want anyone in my office. Lots of confidential stuff lying around.”

There was nothing but a cold computer and an empty desk.

“You’re not getting this office,” he said.

“Hey, it’s the least you can offer after everything I’ve done for you,” she squabbled.

“You mean the fact that I’m being punished because you lied and manipulated me?” She’d promised everything would work out with his brother’s woman if he followed her advice. Of course, Cimil claimed everythinghadworked out. Just not for him.

“Exactly.” She shrugged happily. “And stop your whining. I got banished, too, and the only thing I did was tell a few lies, torture a few innocent souls, and save the world from ending. How fair is that?”

“Uh, because you were secretly driving the world to its end at the same time?” Of course, she couldn’t really help it. Like him, she had her dark side, but ultimately served the greater good. Very twisted.

That Universe and her sense of humor. What a riot.

“Now shoo!” She swept her hands through the air. “Minky needs her rest.”

Zac shook his head. Minky was Cimil’s pet, a bloodthirsty and invisible unicorn. It was better not to speak of such things.

He followed Cimil out, and she closed the door behind her and locked it. “Okay. I have my womba class—boy, those four little monsters really stretched the old uterus right out—then Roberto and I have our daddy-vampire and mommy-goddess class. See you both tomorrow.”

Zac was about to ask about the class, but then realized he didn’t give a fuck.

“Tootles!” Cimil said, wiggling her pale gaunt fingers in the air. “And keep your paws off Tula! She’s taken!”

Dammit, Cimil. She knew that saying that would make him want her more. He hoped she was joking about the taken part.

“Wait,” he said. “You never told me who our first ‘in the bag’ client is.”

She flashed a devilish grin over her shoulder. “The infamous Andrus Gray.”

Oh, hell. That guy? Definitely not in the bag.“If that’s the case, then we are going to need his best friend’s help.”
