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As much as she felt she deserved this, Mary quailed slightly at the order. It was so much easier when Rex led the way than when she had to do something herself, especially when what she had to do was present herself for punishment. Still, she forced herself to her feet and around his desk. This had been her idea, and she did not regret it, especially if it meant things could return to some semblance of what they had been before the visit to Hyde Park.

Rex watched her with hooded eyes. Expecting her to bolt? Pressing her lips together, Mary gathered her courage, set aside her pride, and placed herself over his lap. She sighed as she settled atop his thighs, feeling his body so closely pressed against hers, the bulge of his cock pushing into her side.

He could not remain so cold and aloof after this, could he?

She did not have much time to worry. Rex lifted her skirts, tucking them up around her waist, and the cool air over her skin sent a shiver through her. Between her legs, interest stirred, though her anxiety kept it from growing.

One large, warm palm rested on her upturned buttocks.

“Do you understand why you are being punished?” The hand on her bottom squeezed slightly, the questioning bringing her back to her first encounter with him in this house, in this very room. The sense ofdéjà vuwas strong, except now, Mary did not balk at his question.

“Because I lied, kept secrets, and unintentionally drew you into my endeavors, resulting in a marriage you had not asked for, after which I still did not confide in you.” The words came out in a rush; her answer had been ready. Mary was not the type to flinch from her culpability.

To her surprise, Rex chuckled. “To be fair, I have no objection to the marriage.”

Not even after today? She did not get a chance to ask the question. Before she could do more than register her surprise, Rex’s hand came down hard, the stinging slap eliciting a startled yelp. As soon as one had landed, another followed, swat after swat raining down on her upturned cheeks while she writhed and shrieked in response.

His arm wrapped round her waist like an iron band, holding her firmly in place when her legs began to kick.

This hurt so much more than the last time.

That or she had forgotten exactly how much it had hurt before. The blistering heat was growing exponentially, searing her skin with every new slap, the sound of flesh against flesh cracking through the air. Mary cried out, her legs kicking harder as tears spilled over. Clutching Rex’s leg, she clung to his ankle for support, rocking slightly over his lap as the urge to escape his fiery discipline grew.

“I’m sorry!” she shrieked, knowing she had already apologized but unable to hold them back—anything to make the spanking stop sooner. It felt like her bottom was swollen, throbbing, glowing red hot under the chastening. “Michael… Rex, I’m sorry!”

She bucked.

Two more slaps came down hard on her sit spots, the sensitive skin just under the curve of her bottom where it met her thigh, and she wailed. That hurt even more than any of the other swats combined.

She barely had the chance to catch her breath when the spanking stopped, and she was lifted up and set upon the desk. The wood was cool against her blazing skin, but only momentarily. She cried out as the pressure of her body’s weight resting upon her chastised cheeks only increased her torment.

Standing between her thighs, Rex pulled her forward by her hips, his mouth crashing down on hers. Somehow, his pants were opened, his cock nudging the entrance to her body while his lips claimed her. Mary reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, clinging to him as he thrust in deep and hard.

Hot and wet, her body was ready for him, accepting the rough thrust, though the sudden stretching stung as well. Compared to the agonized throbbing of her spanked bottom, the pain barely registered. Whimpering, she kissed him back, unable to lift her hips in this position, but her muscles clenched around him, pleasuring them both.

Feeling him moving inside her, the slick length of his cock driving deep with every thrust, Mary’s body responded with pure passion. The pleasure of their coupling tangled with the torment of being disciplined, creating a new, wicked coil of sensations. She was ablaze with need, not just physically, but the need for Rex to forgive her, to absolve her, and to feel intimate with him again.

Their movements were frenzied, almost frantic, and she hoped she sensed the same need in him that she felt.

Ecstasy surged with his thrusts, and she cried out, head falling back as rapture spiraled uncontrollably. Hot bliss unraveled inside of her, coiling and circling until she exploded in dizzying euphoria. Rex thrust hard, filling her completely, then his arms wrapped around her, holding her close as his own climax throbbed through him, emptying into her. They held each other tightly, panting for breath.

Mary’s bottom still burned, but she felt far more hopeful. What had been broken was not yet mended, but it was a start.

Chapter 21


Writing out a full list of the members of the Society, Rex shook his head in wonderment. It was a very long list, mostly, but not entirely confined to theton.

“My goodness… really?” Mary’s finger paused beside a duke’s name, and Rex chuckled. They had their heads bent over the list, with her perched on his lap behind his desk. The punishment had done exactly what it should—cleared the air and allowed them to come back together.

While part of Rex still remained wary, he liked having Mary on his lap, and she seemed to want to be there. Whatever he could do to tie her emotions and loyalties more fully to him, he would.

“We all have our vices.” Cocking his head at the list, he pressed his lips together. “Not everyone attends every event, of course. Some of them are not even in town at the moment.”

Pursing her lips, Mary’s expression turned thoughtful. “Well, we cannot investigate those who are not in town, but we should keep them in mind, nonetheless.”
