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To her surprise and relief, the spanking halted. His hand curved over her buttocks, his touch even hotter against her already blazing skin, yet somehow soothing. Lily could feel the press of his manhood against her side, digging into her soft stomach, a declaration of how much he was enjoying his domination over her.

Between her legs, the evidence of how much her body was reluctantly enjoying itself had gathered, leaving her slick and hot, even though he had not touched her there yet.

“Are you?” It was no surprise he did not sound convinced.

“I am sorry I was testing you,” she admitted, albeit grumpily. “But I do not think I should have to promise to obey you in all things. What if you ask something unreasonable? If you had told me you did not want me to see your sketch of me, I would have known what was there, and my curiosity would not have been so piqued.”

“It is not… never mind.”

His aggrieved tone made her smile, despite the tears, and for a moment, she did not mind being over his knee since it meant he couldn’t see her expression. So, she had found an advantage to this position. There was a moment of silence as if he was considering her words. His hand stroked her bottom, though it did not seem to be with any intent, more as though he was caressing her without thinking about what he was doing.

“You are correct. I gave you insufficient information. I suppose I was testing you as well.”

Lily heaved a sigh of relief as he pulled her up, then stiffened when she landed on his lap. Sitting was not comfortable in the least. Her bottom was throbbing beneath her, pressed against his hard lap, but with his arm around her waist, there was very little she could do to adjust her position.

Sitting on a man’s lap was also very odd, in and of itself. Especially since he’d somehow arranged her so her skirts were not under her bottom, leaving her bare skin against his trousers, rough against her sensitive nates. Her breasts were mere inches from his face, which made her nipples harden beneath her dress, rubbing against the fabric from within.

The myriad assault on her senses left her breathless.

Nathan studied her expression, and she stared back, trying to organize her flyaway thoughts into some semblance of order while her body was struggling to sort through the assault of physical sensations.

“I will be clear about why I want you to do something if you will promise to be obedient once you understand my reasoning.” Though he sounded perfectly reasonable, Lily narrowed her eyes. Despite her throbbing bottom and her absolute certainty, she did not want to go back over his knee tonight—no matter how much some parts of her body reacted to the punishment—she would not make any such promise.

“I promise to consider your reasoning.”

To her surprise, her answer caused Nathan to chuckle.

“I suppose that is as good as I am going to get for now, so I will be satisfied. One day, I hope you will trust and know me well enough to know I do not issue idle commands.”

His hand stroked down her back, making it hard for her to think, hard to assimilate his words, then made it completely impossible as his lips claimed hers for the first time since their wedding ceremony. It was immediately apparent the kiss they’d shared earlier that morning was a bare shadow of what was possible. Lily’s lips parted in surprise, and Nathan’s tongue moved inside, stroking against hers and exploring her mouth.

She responded tentatively.

While she had been kissed before, it had not been open-mouthed. Her previous kisses had been more akin to the one they’d shared at their wedding. Intriguing and exciting for what they were, but without the thrilling invasiveness, the commanding desire of this kiss.

This kiss… all the heat that had been building inside her swirled in response, filling her to the brim with an aching need, the lingering pain in her bottom did nothing to dissipate.

She squirmed on his lap, her thighs pressing together as the need between them increased. When his hands brushed over her body, one sliding up her stomach to cup her breast, Lily moaned.

The spanking had heated her bottom, but this was akin to being set on fire.

Rational thought had flown, unable to compete with the new, overwhelming sensations that swamped her. There was no defense against them. She had never felt anything like this. Never sat on a man’s lap. Never had a man’s hands running over her.

She gasped when she felt her dress loosen. She had not realized he’d been undoing the ties. The front of her dress gaped, sliding down, and Lily felt her cheeks heat with a blush. Yet Nathan’s kiss kept her so busy, she could not concentrate on trying to keep herself covered.

The dress slipped down, and the next thing Lily knew, she was on her feet, and Nathan was tugging her clothes from her body.

“Wait!” Her voice came out as a squeak, her hands flying to her bosom, covered with nothing more than a chemise and her corset loose and sliding down to join her dress on the floor. How the devil had he done that so quickly? “I need… I need…”

“Relax, angel, I know what you need.” Nathan’s voice was a husky growl, not soothing in the least. His words seemed to roll over her skin, making all the little hairs stand on end and sending a shiver up her spine.

Now that she was nearly naked, he spun her around and laid her on the bed. As Nathan lay atop her, the thin fabric of her chemise was absolutely useless, doing nothing to dampen the sensation of his hard, hot body against hers.

Claiming her lips again, this kiss was utterly unlike the one before. While their lips and tongue danced the same way, she could feel every inch of him pressed against her. Her breasts were crushed to his chest, his hard body was between her legs, keeping them from closing, and his manhood rocked against her needy pussy. Lily whimpered as he kissed her deeply, clinging to his shoulders as his hands slid down her sides, caressing and stroking, teasing before they cupped her breasts.


Thumbs brushed over her hard nipples, then pinched hard enough to make her cry out.
