Page 85 of Conceal

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Oliver and Addison are already sitting, and when Oliver notices us, he stands politely, while Addison waves from her chair.

“I’d get up, but I am the size of a house and you would need a forklift,” she deadpans.

“And pregnancy hasn’t changed your cheerful disposition.”

“Har, har, har, Jax. Talk to me when you don’t sleep and have your own zip code.”

That makes me laugh, and I walk over to my sister where she is, in fact, large and uncomfortably stuffed in a chair and place a kiss on her head.

“This is Willow,” I introduce.

They each say hello, and before long, we all are sitting around the table celebrating the baby.

Addison is not one to have a formal baby shower. According to her, in her current state, she hates people. Oliver included.

Because of this, she insisted we celebrate with no fanfare. We drink, we eat, and then we present gifts.

I’m shocked to see Willow reach into her bag and pull out a wrapped gift. I had purchased a gift I intended to give from both of us, but once again Willow shocks me.

She’s the most caring person I know.

She hands it over to Addison, whose eyes are wide.

“You didn’t have to bring anything, Willow.”

“It’s nothing really.”

Addison opens it, and inside is a dream catcher.

“I had one over my bed . . .” Her voice cracks, and I know she must be thinking of her parents.

My arm around her chair, I touch her shoulder, and she leans closer to me.

Having her move into my body makes me feel things I can’t comprehend.




It’s everything I always wanted from my family.

Ironic that sitting here in my brother’s castle, I finally get it from her.

Chapter Thirty-Nine


Other than the fact we are still searching unsuccessfully for intel on my crazy, psychotic husband, it’s been a good week.

The time I’ve spent with Jax, although I wish it was under different circumstances, have been the best months of my life.

It doesn’t even make sense to me. How can I enjoy myself so thoroughly when I’m hiding and on the run?

But that’s the thing about Jax. Every minute with him, I cherish. I don’t know what the future will bring or even if we’ll have a future together. It’s so uncertain right now. I’ve chosen to live each day like it’s my last because it very well may be. When most women may cry or curse their fate, I embrace it.

I allow myself to fall for a man I have only known a short time because you never know about tomorrow.

Today is all I have.

I’m back at Maggie’s. She’s preparing for a gig this weekend, so she isn’t here. I feel bad that I haven’t been around much, but it was actually Maggie’s idea for me to stay at Jaxson’s apartment until we resolve this.

Today, I am only back to grab a few things. The rest of my clothes, for one, and the picture of my parents. Once I throw all my stuff back into the duffel bag, I search for the picture frame. I look high and low and can’t find it anywhere. I check under the couch, and then even though I know I shouldn’t, I check in Maggie’s room. No matter where I look, I can’t find it, which is strange.

For a moment, I feel like I’m going crazy.

My hands are pounding on my head as I try to remember where I might have put it.

I’ve been so stressed out the past few times I’ve been here that it’s possible I don’t remember where I left it.

I feel like I’m going mad, throwing everything apart and going through every cabinet, but an hour later, there is still nothing.

Where can it be?

Did someone take it?

A chill runs up my spine, and suddenly, I feel like I’m being watched.

Did he find me?

I shake my head.


There is no way.

I’ve been super careful. I haven’t even been here. There is no way he found me.

But then . . .

My mind plays tricks on me, running through each time I thought I’d seen him.


No. No. No.

I haven’t even gone online. How could he track me? There’s no way.

Call Jax.

He will know what to do.

I shake that thought away. I cannot call him. The last time I freaked out and called him, he left work to rescue me for a dead mouse that had nothing to do with my husband. What would I say this time . . . ?

My framed picture is missing.

It sounds crazy to my own ears. Imagine how it would sound to him.

If I call now, he’ll think I’m crazy. I know I’m being crazy. He’ll probably tell me they should commit me.

That I have officially lost it.

Nope. It’s not worth worrying anyone over.

I’m going to go back to the loft where I feel safe and wait for Jax to get home.
