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I am just as depraved as everyone else here.

When his hand came down this time, smacking hard against her flesh, it did not move away, and Evie whimpered at the new sensation, wriggling against his palm.

“I think you are enjoying this too much.” He sounded more approving than bothered.

“I think you are delusional,” she retorted, then bit back a moan as his hand moved down, stroking from her hot bottom down to her swollen, wet pussy. His fingers dipped. Swirled. Evie shuddered, unable to hold back her reaction.

“I must be imagining how wet you are.” His fingers dipped into her body.

Evie flushed hot, not only from her arousal but from embarrassment at having been so thoroughly caught out. She should have kept her mouth shut instead of stating something she knew to be untrue.

“What a lovely fantasy I am having.”

“Oh, do shut up,” she snapped, then gasped as he twisted his fingers inside her, thrusting them in with erotic precision. It felt so good, she could scarcely keep back her moan. The mix of the lingering sting from the spanking collided with the pleasure of his fingers moving inside her to create an unholy mix of something entirely new.

“Tell me your real name, vixen, and I’ll make you scream mine.” His voice was a purr, full of promise and heat. The temptation was strong, especially as his fingers kept moving inside her, stroking and delving.

She knew her name would not be enough and would only be the first question answered. She also could not risk him putting together Evie, the spy with Evie, the niece of the Marquess of Camden.

Which left her giving him another false name, and hearing him call her something else did not have nearly the attraction. They were at a détente, and she honestly did not know what might have happened next if they had not heard someone call his name from the hall.

Both of them froze.

Thankfully, Evie did not recognize the voice, so it was not her cousin, but she hardly wanted anyone else to see her in this position. Something she had learned about the Society was many of the members did not care if they were watched. Evie cared.

As if he sensed her objection, the captain slid his fingers from her pussy and gave her chastened bottom a gentle pat.

“Think about your options, vixen,” he said patronizingly. “I will be right back, then we will see if you will need another spanking or if you are a good girl who will get her pleasure.”

Evie bit back her retort as she heard him move away. When the door closed behind him, she got to her feet, her skirts falling back into place and covering her reddened bottom. Men. Always underestimating women.

Which was to her advantage, but she still had to shake her head.

He had tied her about the wrists with his cravat. Hardly the most difficult position to release herself from, even though her hands were behind her back. Cravats were not the best material for making good knots. Though if he’d tied her above her elbows as well as her wrists, it would have made things much harder on her.

It took less than thirty seconds for her to work the cravat off of her wrist. Leaving it in the middle of the daybed, she quickly moved to the window to let herself out. Sadly, she would be leaving Lady Graywood’s employ sooner than anticipated. One last look at the daybed and the limp cravat sitting upon it, with her bottom tingling, Evie lowered herself from the window and dropped the last two feet onto the streets of London.

Back to her old haunts… for now. There was still work to do, and now she knew to be even warier of Captain Browne.

* * *


The interruption by Nathan was both frustrating and convenient. Anthony knew he was letting his attraction to his vixen get the best of him. She was still untamed, and the chemistry between them was still as strong as ever.

“I do not know how effective our attendance at these events is at sniffing out a traitor,” Nathan told him, frowning. “I am enjoying myself, but no one is here to talk. I am starting to think we have been set upon the wrong path.”

“Perhaps. Did the Marquess mention why he thought the Society might be involved?”

“I believe Mitchell told him he’d heard whispers from one of the attendees, who he did not know, before he was removed from the Society.” Mitchell was another agent, though not one of Anthony’s friends.

The man excelled at finding contacts among the worst of humanity. He was adept at blending into many walks of life and was more welcome in the dens of the crime lords thantonnishballrooms. Which was part of what made him such a valuable resource.

He had been part of the Society for a while but had been removed. Anthony had not heard why. There were not many rules to the Society, other than all parties must consent to whatever activities they chose to engage in. Anthony did not like to think too hard about what Mitchell must have done to be kicked out.

“Well, until we hear otherwise, this is the only lead we have.” Anthony shifted his weight, trying not to show his impatience to return to the room behind him. He’d shut the door firmly and had one ear out in case it opened and she tried to make another run for it.

Even with her hands tied behind her back, she would be able to get the door open. If she kicked up enough fuss, he might join Mitchell in being removed from the Society, and that was not something he could risk. Besides, he did not want Nathan to see her.
