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He tugged the corset from her body, leaving her completely naked. Her nipples were pebbled against the mattress, then he turned her over again, sliding his hands from her waist up to her breasts. Despite the fact she should be completely satiated, arousal stirred as his callused palms moved over her skin.

“That is very presumptuous of you,” she replied, though she couldn’t be bothered to move from her current position on her back with her hands on either side of her head. It was very reminiscent of the position he’d held her down in. When his hands closed over her breasts, she gasped and arched.

Her climax had rendered her entire body more sensitive than usual, and his touch exacerbated that sensitivity to the point where the pleasure of his touch was almost too stimulating. It knocked her thoughts right from her head—which should have been alarming. She was enjoying herself too much to be alarmed, though later, she would remember her weakness.

Fingers pinched her nipples, tightening around the tender, aching buds to just the right degree of painful pleasure. Evie stretched like a cat, pushing her hands up above her head and letting him play with her body as he pleased. He’d made some good points, and she craved his touch.

Wanted more of the pleasure he’d heaped upon her.

Was it only because it had been so long since she’d had a lover? Or was it him?

From the way his touch made her feel, she was beginning to think it was him. Which was very dangerous indeed.

So, she might as well enjoy all she could before they parted ways and never saw each other again. At least, she would ensure he never sawheragain, though she would be sure to watch out for him whenever he came to report to her uncle.

“Good girl. Keep your hands above your head.”

She would have knifed anyone else who dared to speak to her so patronizingly. Well, not her cousins, but she would have gotten some kind of retribution. When the captain did it, it aroused her as much as it infuriated her, which made her even angrier, yet more aroused.

But she didn’t move her hands.


She left them in place as he tormented her nipples, pinching and pulling, rolling them between his fingertips while she grew wet, wanton, and needy. When he finally lowered his mouth between her thighs, his hands still playing with her breasts, she was practically dripping onto the sheets from her arousal.

Despite that, she remembered to have him sheathe himself. When they reached their glorious mutual climax, he was able to hold himself inside her, filling the sheathe with his seed until he collapsed on top of her.

By then, the hour was very late, and Evie curled up against him. She had never actually slept with a man. Had never been good at sleeping with anyone in the same room until she knew them very well and knew they could be trusted. A leftover from her time on the streets.

With the captain, she found herself drifting toward sleep. The safety she felt by his side was inexplicable, but her subconscious felt it, or else she would not be so relaxed, no matter how many climaxes he brought her to.

“You have not asked me my name,” he said, stroking his fingers through her hair as she rested against his shoulder. With her ear pressed against him, she felt the steady beat of his heart, and the hair on his chest tickled her nose.

“Does it matter?” If she had not already known his name, she would not have asked. Names were dangerous things.

“I am Anthony Browne.” He did not give his rank or his lineage, despite giving her his real name. “Thank you for saving me, Yvette.”

Ah, so he did know his manners. Evie had a fleeting flash of regret that she had not given him her real name. She would have liked to hear it on his lips as he thanked her, but it was for the best. Especially considering the next words out of his mouth.

“Tomorrow, you’ll come with me. I will settle things with Madame Dupont, then put you up in a house with whatever you need.” Lips passed over the top of her head as Evie blinked, very glad he could not see her expression. She would have surely given herself away.

“You want me to be your mistress?”

“Yes. You have no need to worry. I will take care of you, and if it comes to a point where we must part ways, you will get to keep everything.”

It was an incredibly generous offer for a woman in the position he thought she was, and what was more amazing was Evie knew he meant it. The captain had a streak of honor a mile wide, and she did not doubt he would follow through on every word. What surprised her the most was how tempted she was to continue with the deception and allow him to do so… at least for a bit until she had to leave.

Unfortunately, that would never do.

“I owe Madame Dupont more than I can say,” she replied, which was both true and misleading. What she owed the madame had nothing to do with money.

“I will take care of it.” He sighed, the hand stroking her hair slowing. Evie didn’t respond as she felt him fall asleep.

While part of her wished to follow him into slumber, she knew that was not possible, not after the desire he had voiced aloud. If she stayed, explanations would be required tomorrow morning, and she had no satisfactory one to give him. Madame Dupont might play along with the idea Evie was one of her girls, but she might not.

Telling him the truth was right out. She did have to hold back a snicker when she imagined the look on his face when he discovered she was the Marquess of Camden’s beloved niece. That would be fun for all of two minutes, then she would have to deal with the ramifications that came with the revelation.

Not worth it.
