Page 23 of The Deceptive Earl

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“True,” Charity said. “Perhaps Miss Danbury expected an offer?”

“Perhaps,” Alfreda said, “But such things almost always turn out badly for the lady.”

“I suppose we shall not see her again for a year,” Roberta said as she took a sip from her cup, and Charity’s question was answered.

Charity felt her jaw drop in unladylike shock. She snapped it closed before she might be seen catching flies.

Every year there was a rumor that some lady or another had become with child, but more often than not it turned out to be false. Charity was not truly friends with Miss Danbury, but she would not wish her ill.

“So is it suspect or confirmed?” she asked.

“Confirmed as to her condition,” Flora added. “Her maid would walk to the market with ours, and she let slip that the lady had been quite ill in the mornings. A doctor had been called so I would suppose a babe is within.”

“Are you sure this is truth, Flora,” Julia asked. “It is possible for a lady to be ill with some ague or even tainted food.” Julia was ever the one to err on the side of caution, but Flora shook her head sadly.

“I cannot believe it,” Charity shook her head. Though, she did believe every word. Miss Danbury was well known for her forward nature and widespread flirtation. She had quite the reputation though Charity had never suspected that her behavior would have gone so far as to have relations with a man. The thought made Charity’s stomach churn. Miss Danbury would be ruined forever. Surely the gentleman would do the right by her and marry her.

“And what of the gentleman?” Charity asked. “Is he known?”

“No,” James interrupted, shaking his head.

“Yes,” Lavinia and Roberta stated in unison.

“Well,” Charity laughed. “Which is it?”

“It has not been formally acknowledged,” Francesca provided. “There has been no talk of a union. All the more shame to his character for it.”

“To whom do you refer?” James challenged the ladies in general and his sisters in particular.

“You know who,” His sister, Francesca blurted.

“Not Lord Wentwell. We have discussed this and I cannot agree.”

“Lord Wentwell!” Charity gasped aloud. Only earlier this week,she had found herself in close quarters with the rake. Now, her encounter at the marketplace seemed all the more cause for concern. What if someone had been seen? What if she might now be labeled by his follies?

The Poppy’s argument flowed around her and Charity could make no sense of it. The Poppy sisters seemed adamant that the gentleman was Wentwell, and James seemed just as adamant that it was not.

“That you would take his part,” Alfreda shot at her brother. “Is more shame to you, James.”

James harrumphed and stalked away.

The ladies began to titter and seemed that before the family’s hasty departure, Miss Danbury’s father had been to see Lord Wentwell and all were suspicious of his involvement. James and the other gentlemen defended the Earl with vigor, though they could provide no proof to dispel the ladies’ claims. Even James’ own sisters were having none of it. Surely there must be some truth to the tale then.

Charity shook her head. She had tangled with the devil and come out unscathed. A sigh of relief was all that she could muster. Miss Danbury, or any lady for that matter, was at risk of falling for Lord Wentwell’s varied charms. Charity would not be surprised that one, or many, ladies had found themselves falling into his arms… or his bed. He was a silver tongued serpent, but he was also so exceedingly handsome.

She felt her cheeks flush at the thought and made a comment about the heat of the room to divert any suspicion.

Roberta interrupted. “He had already gained a reputation as a rake. Now being caught alone with him, even though I doubt he would be a villain, could still…um…be detrimental for ladies of our stature.”

Charity’s eyes flew wide. “But Miss Danbury is the daughter of a Baronet. She is not some commoner’s daughter, and this is an earl we are discussing. Should he not be a gentleman?”

Alfreda Poppy said, “I’m sure he realizes we are commoner’s daughters, but that does not make the act less reprehensible, earl or no.”

“Oh,” Charity said realizing she had been insensitive.

The others glanced at each other and scoffed. “He certainly is insistent to have his way. I would not dare be caught truly alone with him,” Flora said suddenly serious, her color high. Charity prayed that none would hear tell that she had already shared a moment alone with the gentleman. Nothing had happened, of course, but rumors, spread like fire, once caught.

Charity sat fanning herself vigorously, and thought that it could just be the summer heat, that had caused her to flush, but she didn’t think so. The conversation made Charity more hesitant, and cross, by the minute. If only she had known the gossip but a few hours sooner. While she sat here in agony, the other ladies giggled about his fine form and impressive stature.
