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Her wide eyes zeroed in on AJ’s shorts in my hand, and the erection next to them.

My face heated as I covered it with the shorts, clearing my throat.

“Shit,” I muttered, trying to keep my voice low so I wouldn’t wake AJ. “Sorry, Becca.”

“I texted,” she said, defending herself. “Just like you asked.”

Right. Except I left my phone in AJ’s room.

“All good,” I replied, already moving away. “My bad.”

“Who…” Becca trailed off, her brows drawn. “Who did you think I was?”

Again, my bad. Obviously, AJ hadn’t told her about the trials. Sheshouldtell her. Everyone was fair game after all, but it wasn’t my place to do it for her.

“No one,” I told her. “Don’t worry about it.”

I jabbed a thumb back in the direction of AJ’s room. “I should probably…”

Becca’s brown eyes flitted down to my erection and then away. “Yeah. You two have fun. ’Night.”

AJ was going to kill me.

I paused after only a step, a prickle crawling over the back of my neck. “Actually,” I said as I turned back to face her, keeping my voice as low as I could. “If I ask you something, could you keep it between us?”

Becca’s gaze slid to her friend’s bedroom door and back to me again, narrowing. Her jaw clamping tight.

“It’s important,” I urged.

Grudgingly, she pursed her lips. “Depends what it is.”

I stifled the urge to shout, remembering AJ’s twisted face in the woods.

“Did you text AJ earlier today? A little while after last period?”

She frowned. “Why?”

“Answer the question.”

Her throat bobbed. “No,” she finally said after a few beats of tense silence. “No, I didn’t text her.”


“Thanks. That’s all I needed to know.”

Grey becamemy very own warden for the entire week. Nobody said it, but I suspected it was because Corvus was too angry to be around me for any length of time, and they didn’t trust Rook not to eat me.

That was the vibe I got, easily surmised from the fact that Corvus hadn’t spoken to me since Tuesday night over the phone, and when Rook offered to take over for Grey yesterday after class, Corvus and Grey replied a resoundingnoat the exact same time.

Rook shrugged it off with a roll of his eyes and a wink in my direction, but something told me it bothered him more than he was letting on.

“So, what now?” I asked after last period on Friday, barely looking up to check if Grey was waiting outside of class as I exited, heading for my room. His distinct footfalls padded along beside me. I’d grown accustomed to them over the last few days.

“Corv said we had….”

The hairs along the back of my neck pricked as the elevator down the hall pinged dully, the doors sliding open. Grey’s sentence trailed off as his brothers exited, scattering the students that still lingered in the corridor.

“We have a pick up out of town,” Corvus announced.
