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“It’s not for me, it’s for her,” he argued, pausing.

“Sure it is.”

“You really think I can fix this?” Corvus asked, stopping my and Rook’s little sidebar stone dead. “She hates me.”

I shook my head. “Not as much as you think she does.”

“She’s one of us,” Rook said to Corvus, his heaving breaths evening out as he sniffed and reached for his water bottle. He fixed Corvus with a hard stare as he took a swig and set the bottle back down, his stare never wavering. “You said so yourself last night. Remember?”

“I didn—”

“You did,” Rook barked. “She’s a Crow and you know it. She belongs tous...and we belong to her. The sooner you both stop fighting it, the sooner we can all be exactly what we’re meant to.”

My stomach rumbledas I rolled to the edge of Rook’s bed and forced myself to sit up with a sigh. I glanced back at the disheveled fur covers and silky black sheets and pillows, but he wasn’t there. My thighs clenched, cunt aching as I recalled vivid images of him between my thighs last night. Of his thick, warm cock in my mouth.

I traced the line of the small two inch cut running crossways below my hip bone, and shivered, all my little hairs standing on end.

I shifted against the soft sheets and searched the floor for my clothes, but couldn’t find them even with the light from the hall filtering in through the half open door.

The smell of cooking bacon that woke me made my mouth water as I stole a swath of black fabric from the floor. It appeared to be a top sheet that I’m assuming a housekeeper put on his bed only for him to kick-off the first night it was there.

A house full of boys didn’t stay this clean without a little help, though in all the times I’d spied on them here or listened in, I’d never heard or seen a cleaning person anywhere near the Nest.

I folded the sheet lengthwise and wrapped it around my back, crossing the ends in front to tie at the back of my neck. It was the ugliest toga you ever did see, but it was soft as fuck and would have to do for now. I’d go down naked to get the bacon if I had to, but the morning brought with it a chill and the makeshift dress did just enough to stave it off.

The Nest grew warmer the further outside of Rook’s den I got, and I wondered if he kept it purposefully colder in there than the rest of the house. If he actually slept with those heavy furs covering him all night, he must’ve because there was no way I could sleep beneath them without sweating my ass off otherwise. And I had slept beneath them, like a fucking baby.

The best sleep I’d had in weeks.

I couldn’t even remember the feel of him lying next to me, which made me question whether he even had slept next to me. Or if after I slipped into his bed, still damp from the shower, and he laid the heavy covers on me, he’d just left?

I followed my nose down the stairs, salivating as the smell of breakfast grew stronger with each step. I paused on the landing, finding Corvus swirling and tossing a pan of small-cut potatoes shimmering with oil.

He expertly switched between three different pans and checked the bacon in the oven, pulling it out to place it atop a cooling rack on the counter.

His back stiffened slightly before he turned, feeling my eyes on him maybe. His lips parted as they took in the swath of silky black fabric covering my naked body, before he turned back, the tension never leaving his shoulders.

“Morning,” he said curtly.


I went to the sink, searching through the cupboards for a cup to fill with water before planting myself at a stool at the kitchen island, the furthest one from Corvus.



I peered around the edge of the doorway leading to the living room, but couldn’t see the others. Where did they go?

“So,” I said, playing with the condensation on my glass. “You’re not still angry about last night, then?”

A derisive laugh told me everything I needed to know, but he replied anyway. “Oh, I’m angry, but I told Rook I’d skin him alive if he ever pulled something like that again.”

I pursed my lips, noticing for the first time howcleanthe kitchen was. I’d passed the fuck out after my shower so who…

“Did you…” I trailed off. “Did you clean up the,um,the mess?”

“Fuck no. It was spotless by the time I got back.”
