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It was clear it pained him to admit it, but he continued anyway. “She trusts him. You see how she is around him. Less on edge. Relaxed. He might be the only one of us that she won’t stab first and ask questions later.”

She would listen to me.

I didn’t say it, because even though I thought it was true, I knew I wouldn’t be able to speak calmly if she tried to deny the messages or continued trying to hide them or downplay them.

Greycould though.

“I can wait.”

“Good,” Corvus replied. “And Rook?”


“I overheard Dies planning another trial for her earlier tonight when I was down at the pub.”

“When?” Grey asked. “Which one?”

Corvus sighed. “Don’t know. He stopped talking when he saw me. He seems determined to keep us out of it now that he has the time to administer the rest himself. Thought you should know in case it happens while you’re with her.”

“Don’t kill anyone, man.” Grey warned me. “It’s not worth it.”

“I know.”

“Dies will shit a brick if you do, and she can handle herself.”

“I said Ifucking know.”

“Sorry,” Grey muttered.

“In the morning, then?” Corvus confirmed.

“Yeah,” I said, and hung up, tossing my phone on the counter before I ran my palm down my face, trying to smooth away the angry lines I could still feel tight like pulled strings across my forehead and at the edges of my eyes.

Two soft knocks came at the door.

“Rook?” Ghost asked softly. “Everything okay?”

My chest ached.

Why did she think she had to endure this kind of shit alone when she had us? I wanted to throttle her and wrap her up in my arms at the same time. I could do neither.

Someone was threatening her, and she acted as though she wasn’t bothered in the slightest when her reaction with Corvus proved that was anything but the truth. I pressed my palm to the door and sighed, the anger ebbing away almost as fast as it’d come. I winced at the loss of it, confused at how easily she could draw it out of me, like blood drawn from a wound.

What was this girl doing to me?

“Rook?” she hedged a second time, and I swallowed, pocketing my phone and the flask again before opening the door.

“What’s up, Ghost?”

She studied my face, her cold gray-blue eyes darting back and forth between my dark ones. She’d find nothing there, though. I was a master at what Grey affectionately calledgoing dead eyed.

Her brows pinched. “Who was that on the phone?”

“Corv and Grey,” I replied. “Why?”

The knot between her brows smoothed out and she shrugged aloofly, like she didn’t care. “No reason.”

I cocked my head at her, my gaze snagging on the shape of her phone in her front pocket. Heat seared over my flesh, making it prickle as I wondered what other messages could be lingering there that she hadn’t told us about. How much worse they could be than the ones we’d already read.
