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My Ghost’s eyes alighted on me for an instant and it was the opening the Saint needed to turn the tables. He flipped her onto her back, and I saw a flash of something silver in the moonlight.

Ava Jade shrieked, stopping whatever it was with a forearm, her teeth bared.

I couldn’t help her.

It would render the trial void, or worse, result in an immediate fail.

She would either have to go through something like this again, or her trials would be at an end, and I shuddered to think what that could mean.


“No,” she hissed, and then frantically, she shouted. “Rook!”

My beast responded. It didn’t matter who he was anymore.

I didn’t even register what I’d done until he was off her and I’d knocked whatever was in his hand onto the floor before throwing an elbow into his face. The window shattered and he sailed through it. Tossed out like trash to drop the two stories to the ground below Ava Jade’s window.

Thethudof his body against the earth was followed by silence only broken by the sound of Ava Jade’s coughs and strained breathing.

I stomped to the wall and flicked on the light, finding her clutching her throat where a ring of quickly darkening bruises were rising to the surface of her skin. Heat seared along the back of my neck, and I bristled, nostrils flaring as I knelt and drew her against me. She fought my hold, her voice hoarse and cracking, making her cough as she tried to speak.

“He…” she managed hoarsely, getting her voice back. “”

I rushed into her bathroom and filled a glass with water, hurrying back to kneel once more and put it to her lips.

She took it greedily, sitting up straighter and wincing as the cool water snaked down her throat. “He was trying to inject me,” she said after another watery cough.


Her mouth opened in surprise as she darted forward, almost knocking me over as she retrieved something from beneath her bed. She stared at it in her hand, barely breathing.

A slender plastic syringe with a short, needled tip was gripped there. A clear substance in the chamber.

I snatched it from her, turning it over in my fingers before looking her over for injection marks. “Did he get you?”

“No,” she breathed. “No, I don’t think so.”

She coughed again, rubbing and massaging her windpipe.

“What the fuck was he going to inject me with? I didn’t sign up to be fucking drugged.”

I shook my head, my stomach turning. This wasn’t right.

There was one trial that involved ingesting a substance, but not drugs. Never drugs. He wouldn’t dare. Not after what I went through. What many Saints had gone through, the lives they’d come from and left before joining the gang.

I raced back to the window, leaning out, ready to climb down and demand answers from what was probably a corpse but...there was no one there. No body, living or dead. I jerked my head up, searching through the trees to the left and the edge of the parking lot and curving road leading to town to my right.


“Fuck,” I hissed, pocketing the syringe in favor of my phone.

Corvus answered on the first ring.

“What is it?”

“We have a problem.”

“Tell me.”

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