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Her face reddened and she opened her mouth to speak, but I beat her to it.

“You should have told us,” I said as gently as I could, given the situation. “Especially after whoever this clown is threatened Rook. Definitely after he threatened you.”

Some of her anger seemed to burn off at that, and I placated myself in the knowledge that she clearly knew what I was saying was true, even if she didn’t want to admit it to us or to herself.

I knew how hard it was to ask for help. To admit you might not be able to handle something alone. I’d chosen the harder path, but if I could go back and change that choice, things might’ve been different for me.

I might’ve been different.

“Has he sent anything else since the messages about fight night?”

Her ice-cold stare burrowed into me. “I didn’t read it,” she admitted. “He sent something, but I only read the first line.I warned you… then I deleted the message.”

“Can you recover it,” I asked Grey.

He nodded. “Yeah.”

“Give him your phone.”

Ava Jade balked at the command, and I gritted my teeth. I wanted to punish her for this. I wanted to bend her over my knee and bring my hand down on her bare ass until it was cherry red. I wanted to make her admit her mistake and apologize for putting herself and my brothers in danger.

But what I wanted didn’t matter right now. What mattered was keeping us all safe, and the only way to do that was not to scare her into running or make her pull away from me even more.

“Please,” I barely got the word out, and I sensed Rook stiffen beside me at the request, his eyes boring into the side of my face. “We need to know what it said.”

“You think this was him, don’t you?” she asked. “It couldn’t possibly be your perfect gangster pops,” she scoffed.

I shook my head. “We aren’t ruling that out.”

She was taken aback at that, and thought quietly to herself for a second before plucking her phone from her pocket and handing it to Grey.

“Do you have any idea who this person is?” Grey asked, catching her hand in his. He gave it a reassuring squeeze before she pulled away.

She shook her head.

“Someone from your past, maybe?” Grey asked. “A spurned lover?”


I stared at the back of Grey’s head, wondering what other messages he’d recovered along with the ones from the apparent stalker. Clearly more than we knew.

Ava Jade glared at him. “No. It’s not Kit.”

“Because you don’t want it to be or—”

“It’s just not him. Trust me.”

He nodded. The conversation done for the moment and already I’d committed the name to memory, ready to scour every inch of Lennox for this guy.

“I’m going to take this downstairs,” Grey said and held up the syringe as he stood, leaving the apartment to bring the syringe down to whoever was waiting on him.

Rook sauntered back into the living room and fell onto the sofa opposite the girls with a deep sigh. “Until we figure this out, you can’t stay here,” he told Ava Jade. “The window will take time to fix and the Nest is more secure.”

“No. I already told you I’m not staying there. Besides, I won’t leave Becca here alone. What if he comes back?”

Rook nodded. “Okay. Fine. She comes, too. You can both stay in the loft above the garage.”

Surprise flashed in Sparrow’s eyes, and I mirrored the sentiment. What the fuck was he thinking? But if it got Ava Jade to agree to stay with us, I’d deal with it.
