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“Seriously, like, I’m pretty sure I have bruises from you kicking me.”

I snorted. “Liar.” I hardly moved in my sleep.

“Okay fine, I just miss my bed. Happy?”

I shook my head, and when I went to pass the joint back to Becca, Rook stole it from my fingers, lifting it to his lips instead.

“You mind?” he asked Becca, and her brows lifted.

“Not at all.”

He smoked it down to the nub and tried passing it back, but Becca just gave him an unimpressed look. “You might as well finish it now.”

I shivered as the cool night air pumped into the backseat from the open windows, and from the pot working its way into my muscles and making them tingle. It was stronger than her usual stuff, and I hummed contentedly to myself, leaning my head back against the seat as we veered off the main road and down towards the edge of Thorn Valley and the lake.

“Good shit,” I muttered, letting the high sink deep into my bones.

“The best,” she agreed. “I was saving it for—”

Her words cut off abruptly, and I was almost too slow to brace myself on the front seats as a black sedan peeled out in front of us, forcing Grey off the road.

Becca squealed while we swerved, the Rover’s movements jerky and making my stomach fill with the bad kind of butterflies.

“Fuck,” I shouted as we skidded on the gravel at the road’s edge, coming to a stop just a few feet from hitting the ditch.

I clutched my stomach, heart racing as car doors popped open all around and Becca screamed as black gloved hands dragged her from the Rover.

Her eyes went wide and wild as her body fell from the seat faster than I could snatch her back. My doped up fingers fumbled with my seatbelt as I shouted. “Becca! Someone get Becca!”

I got free and jumped from the car in time to hear a crude grunt. Headlights blinded me as I turned to find what made the sound, reaching for a blade.


I spun, but it was too late. The blade was knocked from my hand and a black sack was pulled over my head, arms sharply hauled back and bound tight.

I kicked back, but my leg was only hooked by whoever had set upon us, sending me sprawling face first into the gravel. The earthy copper taste of my own blood filled my mouth, and I gagged as I swallowed it back, rolling to get back to my feet.


Someone made a grab for my arm, and I bent my knees, throwing my whole body into the round house kick. I nailed whoever it was real fucking good, but without my arms for counter balance, I only ended up on the ground again, my shoulder aching from the fall.

“Sparrow, stop fighting,” Corvus bellowed, and I hesitated as I rose back to my feet again, trying to see through the black hood over my head, but there was only light and shadows.

“What the fuck is going on?”

The hands came for me again, and I thrashed, but this time I didn’t fight, choosing, maybe very stupidly, to trust Corvus.

“Awe, don’t ruin the game, Son,” Diesel’s distinct voice rose right after a car door opened somewhere far off to my right.

“Just let her go!” Becca cried, and I could hear the struggle in her voice. Someone was holding her back. Was someone holding my guys back, too? Or were they watching this happen and doing nothing?

My chest ached for an instant before I realized what this was.

Another fucking trial.

Of course.
