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Shit.I fell asleep too fast.

I knew it the moment I opened my eyes, hearing the faint sounds of a deep rumbling voice coming from the closed closet door across the room.

Groaning, my arm stretched to the opposite side of the bed, feeling cool empty space where Corvus should’ve been.


I was going to be out a hundred and fifty bucks.

My eyelids peeled back, adjusting to the glow of late evening light.


I quickly rolled to the other side of Corvus’ bed, his engine oil and spice scent filling my nose as my legs slipped over his tightly tucked sheets to snatch my phone from the nightstand.

I flinched at the brightness of the screen, seeing that it was past eight in the evening before peering back to the closet door. He wouldn’t have stayed in here for eight hours, would he? We got here around eleven, and I was probably passed out by twelve.

My muscles ached, protesting the movement as I swung my legs from the warmth of the covers and off the side of the bed, touching my toes to the carpet. I leaned forward, pressing my palm into the hollows of my eyes.

I couldn’t remember the last time I’d slept this long.

The three hours I’d gotten last night plus however many I’d had now equaled a greater amount than I’d probably had since I was a fucking toddler.

And I’d done the sleeping next to another human being. Twice.

What was happening to me?

Inside the closet, something crashed and the door pushed open, an angry Corvus quietly stepping through to avoid waking me. Behind him, his mic was knocked against the wall, hanging from the stand awkwardly like he’d tossed it away.

He stopped in his tracks, seeing me sitting up in bed. “Fuck,” he grunted, throwing a fist through his hair. “I didn’t wake you up.”

I shook my head. “You didn’t. But you should’ve. Why’d you let me sleep so long?”

He gave a one shoulder shrug, and I noticed he was already dressed again, the boxers and t-shirt he’d slept in now joined by a pair of faded black denim jeans. “You needed it.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose. “That wasn’t the point. The point was—”

“Sparrow, I just woke up.”


“About an hour ago.”

I couldn’t contain my triumph as a relieved grin spread over my face. “Really?”

He nodded, seeming just as shocked himself. “Yeah, really.”

“I knew it,” I muttered to myself. “Those fuckers better pay up.”

Despite having just slept for what I had to guess was a pretty good amount of time, Corvus still managed to look exhausted as he crossed the carpet and sank onto the edge of the bed with a deep sigh.

I crawled back across the tangle of blankets to sit next to him, indicating the tossed mic in the closet. “What went on in there?”

His jaw clenched. “I had an idea for something new and I thought…”

“What?” I asked when he didn’t finish. “You thought what?”

He fell back onto the bed to stare at the ceiling. “There’s no point,” he said numbly. “Primal Ethos is dead. Besides, the gang needs me right now. I shouldn’t be wasting time—”
