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But I knew who it was, and I would get answers from him. That was if Maverick still wanted to keep his fucking alliance with the Saints. I wanted him on a fucking platter, and I would have him one way or another.

Drake came rushing from the front entrance a second later, just the person I wanted to see.

“What just happened back there?” he asked, jabbing a thumb back toward Briar Hall. “Your guy just lost his fucking shit. Something about an email?”

“It was your man,” I said, looking at Drake in a new light now, knowing we couldn’t afford to waste much time here. I didn’t like the idea of Corvus alone in the woods, even if it was only a few miles between here and the Nest. It could be exactly what the fucker expected. He could be waiting.

Drake’s brows lowered over his eyes. “What are you talking about?”

I cleared the few steps between us and pointed my blade at him, bringing it to within an inch of his chest. To his credit, he didn’t budge at my advance, only stiffened. “That creepy fuck from fight night. The one you said was your one-man clean-up crew.”


“I saw him lurking in the atrium when that mass email was sent out to the entire school. And when I pursued him, he fucking ran.”

This seemed to surprise Drake, but not as much as it should’ve. “Maybe he was just running because you were chasing him, Angel,” he said with a shrug, but the tension in his jaw said it all. He didn’t trust Aries, either. “I mean, he saw you fight. I’d run, too.”

I shook my head. “I’ll be having a little chat with Diesel about this,” I warned. “If you and your leader want to keep this alliance, I want Aries served to me on a silver fucking platter. You hear me?”

Drake recoiled from the sting of my words but nodded. “It’s probably just a misunderstanding.”

“We’ll be the judge of that,” Grey said.

Drake nodded. “Understood.”

I let my gaze rest heavy on Drake’s for another moment before inclining my head to the Rover parked a few rows down. “Let’s go, Grey.”
