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I tossedmy cell to Corvus with Diesel still screaming down the line, rushing to kick off my heels and pull my bra and black dress back on over my naked body.

“We’ve got company,” I said to Grey and Rook just as a loud bang resounded in the Red Room. I jumped, drawing a blade as the bang came a second time, louder. Someone was battering themselves against the door, trying to get in.

Becca was out there.

Grey drew his gun, lifting it to take aim at the door as it burst wide open and Axel came flying through.

“Fuck, Axe,” Grey said on a breath. “I almost fucking shot you.”

“They’re coming,” Axel said, practically frothing at the mouth, his own gun held tightly in his right hand, aimed low to the ground. “We need to get these kids out of here.”

“It’s too late,” I told Axel, shaking my head. “If they’re already on the dock road they’re going to be here any minute.”

“Get as many of them as you can into this room,” Corvus ordered. “Move the rest out back along the dock. We’ll keep them as far away from the line of fire as possible.”

Axel hesitated.

“Fucking now, Axel.”

“Becca,” I said, panicked, racing after Axel through the door. “Where the fuck is—”


My breath caught when I saw her, standing with her arms tight around herself by the couch. “Becca!”

I went to her, flipping my blade into my palm to take her by the shoulders without cutting her. Her eyes were wild with fear. “It’s okay,” I told her. “You’re going to be okay. Come with me.”

“Sparrow,” I heard Corvus shout behind me just as the music was cut and a loud gunshot rang through the room, soliciting screams from the crowd. I shoved Becca behind me and lifted my blade, but it was only Axel getting everyone’s attention.

“Everyone shut the fuck up,” Axel bellowed, surprising me with the level of volume he was able to put out from his smaller frame.

The crowd quieted and Corvus took over, storming to the edge of the stage. “Listen up,” he hollered. “There are some really bad fucking people on their way here right now. Hey! Hey you, stop. Don’t try to leave, there’s no time. These people don’t have qualms about laying out a few innocent people to get what they want.”

Somewhere to my right, several girls began to cry.

“Calmly,” Corvus said, injecting the single word with enough venom to put even the strongest man into a state of paralysis. “I need everyone to make their way to the Red Room. Hey! Did I say to fucking move yet?”

Those who’d already begun to push forward stopped, whispers and cries rising from the throng.

“You will not all fit. Once the room is full, lock the door. The rest of you make your way out onto the back deck. Spread yourselves out, but stay behind the wall of the warehouse. Keep low.”

“Aves,” Becca said, her eyes glinting in the still-blinking and sweeping lights carving paths over the floor.

I squeezed her hand in mine, trying to keep her calm.

“Okay now move,” Corvus said and as one the crowd rushed the stage, pushed through and around us to get to the Red Room. Some people already running for the docks out the back door.

I pulled Becca through the oncoming stampede, barely able to hear her over the panicked voices clogging my ears when she asked me where I was taking her.

I could sense more than see or hear the guys hot on my tail as I weaved a path toward the back office. Unable to wait for a key, I kicked the door in when I got there and dragged Becca through.

When I let her hand go she shakily came around the bar, reaching for the shot glass and bottle of whiskey that had been left there. She poured herself an ounce and knocked it back, breathing out through her mouth.

I unzipped the closest duffel to me and dug inside, past an AR and a shotgun to find what I was looking for.

I tucked one Glock into a strappy holster and threw it over my chest, carrying its twin to Becca.

She looked between me and the gun in my outstretched hand like I’d lost my damn mind.
