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She perked up, spinning away from me to push out of the Volvo. She opened the driver’s side door next. “Get out,” she told Grey. “I want to drive.”

Hairline cracks formed in Grey’s confident smile.

“Fuck no,” Corvus said, turning down the music. “Get back in.”

She planted her hands on her hips and continued to stare at Grey. I kicked his seat. “You heard the woman, get the fuck out and let her drive.”

I dug my whiskey bottle from the bottom of Corvus’ seat, happy to find it still intact, and took a pull, relishing the burn.

“Not tonight,” Corvus said, giving me a pointed look through the cracked side mirror, but Grey was already getting out of the car, spreading his arms wide with a flourish.

“Your chariot?”

“Why, thank you,” she replied, slipping into the seat, her hands caressing the wheel. I could see the goosebumps on her arms from here. Each peachy blonde hair raised like she was brimming with electricity—energy that needed an outlet. Right now, this was it.

“Come on, Corv,” she said, nudging him with her elbow. “I think you kind of owe me. Live a little with us, please?”

He inhaled, face pinching. “Fine. No hero shit, though. I mean it. Leave that to the professionals.”

Grey smirked at the insinuation as he slid into the back with me. He seemed out of place in the seat, and I could honestly say I couldn’t remember a time I’d ever seen him not up front.

He seemed just as weirded out by it as me, looking around and trying to find a place to put his feet comfortably.

“Put your fucking seatbelts on.”

I rolled my eyes at Corvus, shaking my head at Grey as he and Corvus buckled themselves in.

“Where’s the faith?” Ava Jade asked, rolling her eyes when Corvus reached across her body to yank down her seatbelt, notching it in despite her protest.

“You can drive stick, right?” Grey asked as Ava Jade adjusted her seat.

She shrugged. “Guess we’ll find out.”

“Are you fucking ser—”

Whatever Corvus had been about to say was cut short as Ghost gunned the engine, the tires spinning on the spot for a second before she threw it into second gear and tore off downfield with a holler, turning the music back up between shifting gears.

The Volvo bumped over the uneven terrain as she leaned forward in her seat, squinting out the windshield to see as the night sky began to brighten, bruised by the purples and pinks of a new day.

The engine groaned as she pushed it to its limits, axels near snapping as she cut hard corners and nearly hit the fucking shed where the other old beaters and some guns and ammunition were stored.

Corv gripped the holy shit handle like his life depended on. Grey’s face turned ashen after barely five minutes.

I elbowed him. “Corv is the one with control issues. Relax. Enjoy the motherfuckin’ ride, Brother.”

He swallowed, taking the bottle of whiskey when I offered it for a quick swig. He shook his head, grimacing, but it did the trick to help ease the tension through his shoulders, and I polished off the last of it before chucking the bottle through the window as far as she would go.

The car dragged to a stop as Ghost finished a round of doughnuts that left a massive circular tread in the field. But the look in her eyes told me she was far from finished.

Her breath caught.

“What?” Corvus growled. “What the fuck are you looking at?”

He tried to follow her line of sight through the dim, but couldn’t find whatever it was.

I didn’t have to see it to know.

It was ramp numero three.
