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“I need you to think rationally, son. I understand your anger. It isn’t entirely misplaced. But right now, I need you to trust me. There’s someplace we need to be.”

He looked between the three of us, holding each of our gazes before speaking again. “Are you with me?”

The dual meaning of the question wasn’t lost on any of us and my teeth locked, making it impossible for me to answer him.

“Grey, help him up,” Corvus decided for the three of us. “We’ll take the Civic.”

The stiffness in Diesel’s shoulders abated, but the hardness creasing the skin around his mouth and eyes never ceased.

Corvus’ reply told him all he needed to know. We would go with him, but that didn’t mean we were with him, not when it came to Ava Jade. I wished I could reassure him. Wanted to. But it felt like a betrayal.

The same emotion was mirrored on both my brothers’ faces.

If faced with a choice between Ava Jade and Diesel, we wouldn’t choose.

We couldn’t choose.

Would whatever Diesel intended to show us change our minds?

My stomach soured as my mind filled with a million possibilities—the ways in which she could be permanently expunged from my heart and mind. There weren’t many, and I doubted any of them would ever fully do the job of erasing her from the empty places inside of me she’d filled but…

What if Diesel were right?

What if there were a way?

Could I bring myself to do what needed to be done?

Hollow, I pulled Diesel’s arm over my shoulders and hauled him to his feet, taking the bulk of his weight. We followed Rook and Corvus to the Civic, each footfall feeling as though it was taking me one step closer to my destruction.
