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But no one was immortal. Not even Rook.

I wished I could unsee all of it.

He vomited again, and I felt bile rise in my own throat.

A key turned in the lock to the front door, and I was so out of it that I didn’t even reach for a blade as it swung open.

Corvus did, though, he launched over the couch, stepping in front of me, his gun raised.

Becca screamed, dropping into a crouch to cover her head with her arms.


Corvus lowered his gun, all his air rushing from his lungs in a hard pant. “Fuck, Becca.”

“Becca?” Grey asked.

I struggled to believe what I was seeing, blinking and swallowing past the bile to see her more clearly. She shakily pushed back to her feet, a small carry-on suitcase resting on the tile behind her. Dressed in leather leggings and a flowy printed top, she looked amazing. A heavy contrast to the peacock I was still wearing. The mixed emotions tangling behind my breastbone were almost too much for me to handle right now.

I didn’t want to see her.

I was so fucking glad to see her.


She was still struggling to catch her breath. “Hey, babe,” she said, her voice pitched high, looking tentatively deeper into the apartment. She swallowed. “Bad time?”

Unable to stop myself, I pushed past Corvus and went to her, wrapping my arms around her, holding my breath to stop the sudden ridiculous urge to cry. “Shit, girl,” she muttered, put off balance in her heels before she wrapped her arms around me too, hugging me tightly. “Are you okay?”

She rubbed my back. “Honestly, I expected you to kick my ass out,” she muttered into my hair, her voice watery.

Maybe I should’ve, but it was too late now. She couldn’t go anywhere unless it was on another airplane with a Saint escort.

“What’s going on, babe? And what are you wearing, it’s tragic as fuck.”

Behind us, Rook vomited again, and she stiffened, pulling back, taking her essential oil perfume scent with her. Fuck, I’d missed that smell.

“Um, who’s sick?” she asked.

“Rook,” Corvus replied, stepping past us to drag Becca’s suitcase into the apartment and shut the door behind her, locking it. She eyed his tailored blazer jacket with a raised brow, but made no comment.

“You’re a fucking idiot,” I told her, wiping the back of my nose over the sleeve of the dress.

She recoiled as though stung but then nodded, a tight smile on her lips. “Think we kind of already established that, but I did say I was sorry, like, a million times.”

I shook my head. “No. I mean, you’re an idiot for coming back here, Becks. Your guy is still on the loose somewhere, and you’re the only person who can ID him.”

“Yeah and apparently an all-out gang war happening on the streets of Thorn Valley,” she added for me, indicating the bruise and cut on my face. I frowned at her.

She shrugged. “Daddy said not to come home because it wasn’t safe. He said there was a whole ass gang fight in the streets and a bunch of people died and you weren’t answering texts, so...”

“So, he said not to come back because there’s a literal war going on so you… what? Hopped the first flight home?”

She rolled her eyes. “Look. This mess is as much my fault as it is anyone else’s. If I can help or at least just be here for you, then that’s what I’m going to do. You’re my best girl, Aves. I couldn’t stay there, knowing you were here dealing with all this shit alone.”

I snorted. “Well, not alone.”

She eyed Corvus. “Not the same,” she said, and she was right. It wasn’t the same.
