Page 5 of Jax: Untamed

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"Jolie, you wouldn't happen to be talking to my sister like that, would you? Because that wouldn't be nice," my brother's arm wraps over my shoulders and I'm graced with his warm smile and tousled brown curls.

Jolie straightens herself in the seat quickly and loses her grin fast, “oh, no of course not.” She nudges Holly, “I was talking to Holly, duh.” They both laugh nervously.

Next year is going to be hell now that Danny won’t be there. He was pretty much the only thing that kept the creeps away from me. He was a well-respected athlete…totally opposite of me.

I've always wondered how we were related. He has brown hair. I have red. He's outgoing, funny, and good at any sport he plays. Me on the other hand…I'm quiet, shy, and uncoordinated. Naturally, we hung with different crowds and one of the guys in his crew was Jolie's big brother. She'd had an obvious crush on my brother for years now but he paid her no attention. He always said he couldn't stand a girl with no class and by class he meant couth.

Danny’s arm stays planted on my shoulders and guides me to the booth behind the girls, “come on take a break with us.” He breaks free and plops down in the booth as I join and the mysterious Lamborghini guy joins him.

“I can’t,” I stutter as my eyes drift to the stranger’s and everything around us starts to move in slow motion.

Electricity shocks through me at the connection and I gulp down the immediate lump in my throat. The man is a God and is very out of place here, but none of the looks and whispers seem to bother him.

“Come on take a break. We won’t bite,” Danny nods at his friend again, “Will we Jax?”


Jax's chocolate eyes imprint on me again and Jolie clears her throat from the table behind us…clearly at me. The sound breaks my trance and I blink myself back to reality.

Danny turns with a scowl on his face and warns her again as I stand back up at the end of his table.

“Um, where’s your car?” I stutter.

“Oh, it got a flat and then the spare was flat too, so I needed a ride. Luckily Jax here was still at the golf course so he offered to give me a ride.”

“Here?” I whisper before I can think and Jax chuckles a little.

His jaw clenches as he grins and I can’t help but notice. I think he’s laughing at me and I wouldn’t be surprised. I don’t really seem to impress people like him.

“Yeah, here.” He leans further back on the seat and props an arm up on top.

“How are we supposed to get home?” I lean in and whisper to Danny.

"That's why we came here…to get you. And go back and get Jax's on-call mechanic to put a tire on."

“On call?”

“Yup,” Jax answers sounding slightlyoverthe conversation. “After we eat.”

“Well, um you’re in my section so I guess I need your drink orders,” my words are quiet and full of nerves, not at all how I served all my earlier tables.

“Water,” Jax speaks up first and I nod fluttering my eyes.

“Tea is fine kiddo.”

I get to the drink station and fill their cups and Alyssa attacks me with questions, “Hey! So who’s the hottie?”

“I turn around with a filled glass in each hand and gaze in wonder with her, “my brother’s friend I guess. From work.”

“Geez,” she fans herself admiring him. “He looks more like he owns the place, not works at it.”

A light bulb clicks and I don’t know why I didn’t think of that. What if he does own the place? Butterflies fill my stomach, as I wince at the remembrance of him walking in on me being made a fool of, and then my incredibly awkward curb appeal at the table. I’m such a dope.

“Did you ask your brother about the party yet?”

“Oh! I’ve got to do that.”

I deliver the drinks and grab my notepad to take their orders.
