Page 8 of Jax: Untamed

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Why did I come straight home? I should have waited on Danny.

Banging rattles my flimsy wood door but I don’t answer him.

“Chalene! I know you’re in there. I smell that pretty little peach perfume you been wearing lately.”

A shutter runs down my spine and the door seems to rattle around its hinges as he bangs harder.

I finally give in, in a burst of fear, "Go away, daddy! I need some privacy."

“Privacy for what little girl?” the words sear me.

“Just please let me go to bed!” I yell.

“Oh, I'm gonna put ya to bed you sweet little thing.”

The words make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and I say the first thing that comes to mind to scare him, make him back off, “Danny’s gonna be here any minute.”

“No, he's not. It's Friday night and we both know he stays out late." His words slur as he bangs harder and harder on the door. It's going to give way any minute and I rock on my bed trying to figure out what to do.

The window…

I reach to the flimsy pane and try to unlock it but the darn thing has been rusted for years. I keep trying though until the thin wood of the door cracks around the knob and it gives way.

Smoke and alcohol immediately fill the room as the man who looks like my dad but has been replaced with a monster shoves his way in. It doesn’t take long to reach me and I feel his dirty hands grab my shoulders.

I scream as he pushes me flat to my bed and begins to mount me.

“Stop it daddy!” my hands push on his shoulders and my legs and feet scramble in all directions trying to throw him off of me.

He's strong, entirely too strong for a drunk person and I can't get him off. He mounts my hips and pins me, laughing like a madman as his hands tear my t-shirt open.

“Pretty little bra for daddy huh?”

I scream as loud as I can and I feel a hot sting across my cheek as he slaps me. It knocks the wind out of me and the tears come barreling out of my eyes begging him to stop. He’s in between my legs now, wearing only boxer shorts and he’s pulling them down. He fumbles to remove my pants as I continue to fight him and another crash comes from the living room.

Two roaring animals come flying into my room jerking my father off of me as I roll to my side crying and closing my shirt.

One of the voices growls deeply as I hear my father getting pummeled over and over.

"Okay! Okay, man! We gotta stop, we’ll kill him!” I hear my brother this time.

I make my way to the door to check on Danny and see him holding my father as Jax drives his fists into him. Jax doesn’t stop though and my dad’s groans have gone silent.

“Stop it!” I yell and Jax finally responds, turning to me, piercing me with his dark eyes. His face is contorted in a devilish shape, and growls are still coming from his chest. He doesn’t say a word. He just stares at me telling me I am safe now.

I fall onto Danny, wrapping my arms around his neck and sobbing.

“Shhh, it’s okay. We’re here now. I’ve got you.”

Jax climbs off of my father’s limp body.

“Is he dead?” I sniff.

Danny looks down at the lifeless body assessing him and then over to Jax who’s still seething with rage.

Danny’s hands land on my face making me only see him “he’s fine okay. We’re getting out of here. Pack a bag,” he looks over at Jax communicating without a word, and Jax nods. “We’re going to Jax’s house and we’re never coming back here.”

“Where will we go?”
