Page 42 of Entwined Souls

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I was shocked to hear that not only was Gyth your go-to for your fitness training—because let’s face it, the man is built like the Hulk—but he was also a wiz on the computer and seriously smart.

He and Braxton both would deal with the self-defense classes, but Brax was skilled in the Martial Arts area. I’d learned during this time that as a young boy he’d begged to take classes, but his parents always said they didn’t have the money for it. So, he followed that dream through on his own later in life. I felt for that little boy whom I knew had always been told no.

They not only did all this but also were advising on security for homes and business for people. Eventually, they planned on hiring more guys that could handle the vast services they offered, so they could keep up with the demand and needs of anyone wanting their help.


“Braxton, you guys have done a seriously amazing job, and I’m so happy for you. This place is awesome.” As we walked and he showed me around, he had never let go of my hand. I seriously loved that he didn’t care if the guys were around, or where we were at, but that he always touched me. Now pulling me into him, I was against his chest and the warmth that radiated off my man’s body was hot.Hot in a totally I am turned on way, we’re not just talking body temperature here.

“Thanks. Want to show me later just how happy you are for me?”

Boy did I want to, but tonight I had to focus on talking to my best friends and praying it all went well.

“Remember, I have the big talk with Alley and Summer tonight and I’mreallynervous.”

Braxton used his free hand to run the backside down the side of my face and around my neck, where he kept it there. It was soothing, which I seriously needed right now. “They love you, Jurnee, and want you to be happy. I know my sister, and Summer is great. I have no doubt they will understand. There may be some worry on their parts, but they will just threaten me with bodily harm if I hurt you. And Dimples, that’s not gonna happen”

Damn… the man is so sweet, he may give me cavities.

“I sure hope so, because I can’t wait to do this with you. I might be scared to death, but I want it to work so bad.”

“Trust me, it will. Love you Dimples.”

Omg, could he be any more perfect?

“Love you too, Brax.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight


I neededthis woman in my life, my home, and embedded in my soul. She was like the gift I dreamt of as a child but never got. Jurnee was the key to my heart—she had opened it, and then made it whole.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


Tonight,walking in the door after work felt a whole lot different. One, I knew I would only be doing it a few more times if Braxton had his say as to how fast I moved in, which a big part of me was secretly excited about. But at the same time, I felt sad, because so many things wouldn’t be as they had been for so long, which was scary. I get it, we all knew we would have to move on someday, but it had been us three forever, and even though nothing would take away our friendship, things were about to change.

“Who’s ready to eat?” I yelled as I shut the front door and headed toward the kitchen. As I walked in, Alley was sitting there alone, her face pensive with thought. Setting the grub I’d bought onto the table, and the dessert on the counter, I took in her expression, trying to get a read on her. Never one to do anything but lay it all out there, she spoke up.

“You're leaving, aren’t you?”

Her words took me by surprise. “Why do you say that?”

“Jurnee, I’ve known you a long time, just as I’ve known my brother my whole life. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see how quickly things have escalated between the two of you.” I’d bit my bottom lip and waited for what came next. “My brother is a good man, but I won’t hesitate to cut off his nuts and feed them to the lions at the zoo if he does anything to make you sad...and the same goes for you. Although, since you don’t have nuts, I will just have to find a different punishment,” she said tapping a finger against her lips thoughtfully, and we both chuckled. “You're my family too,” Alley paused, and diverted her gaze for a moment. When she’d looked back up, her face filled with emotion had caught me off guard. Alley didn’t allow that to show often. “When you said you needed to talk after having been at his place last night, I figured we didn’t have much time.” We both were silent for a minute after that.

Wow, I guess I didn’t have to spill the beans to Alley after all. But I was still nervous to know what she actually thought about it. Then there was still Summer to talk to.Where is she?I figured we would do this all at one time and that would make it a little easier.

“Where is Summer?” I asked, speaking my thoughts aloud.

As if on cue, the front door opened and then shut seconds before Summer bounced into the room. Even after a busy day at work, she was always the breath of fresh air everyone around her needed.

“Hey ladies, what did I miss?” she asked, looking from me to Alley, with a question dancing in her eyes. Then she focused back solely on me. “You said you wanted to talk, so talk.”

“Can we sit down and eat while we chat?” Deep down I knew that the girls would support any decision I made and be there for me, but I didn’t doubt that the news would bring some worry and that they, just as I was, would be sad about the change in our lives. Everyone sat and I unpacked the food I grabbed off the taco truck on the way home. It was the same one I went to with Braxton for our first lunch, which made me smile.

“So sit and explain that goofy smile you have on your face while we eat this awesome food. Then you can tell us what’s happening.” Summer’s tone was carefree and happy. I wanted it to stay that way. Obviously Alley hadn’t shared her thoughts about why I wanted this little meeting. The time to just get it out there and move forward had officially come.

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