Page 44 of Entwined Souls

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It had been a long day and I wasn’t paying close attention like people always say you should. I’d had my head down, digging for my keys, lost in thought about everything going on. Looked like I could use some of those classes my sexy boyfriend and his friends taught atNoSurrender.

I was shit out of luck this time though, not to mention frightened as he approached. But I still did my best to keep calm even with my body shaking like a leaf. I was glad the kids were not around, but I knew it was just about time for Embry to be picked up by her foster parents. I prayed she didn’t see him. It always hurt her little heart. She was also afraid of him after everything she had been through with both him and her deceased mother.

As I neared my car, I heard feet scuffling on the pavement but didn’t register it in time to figure out what was happening before it was too late. A large hand reached out and grabbed my upper arm in a near-death grip and swung me around roughly, pushing me back against my vehicle.I am in huge trouble.Embry’s dad, Mr. Jenkins, was in my face before I could blink, anger seeping from his every pore.

When someone was upset about something things can get out of hand quickly, but when that someone is said to be on who knows what drugs and probably alcohol too, there was usually no reasoning with them. That’s the situation I found myself in that night. I was sure I already had bruises forming on my arm, along with where the handle of the car door was jammed deep into my back. Somehow, I needed to calm him down, but I feared it would be impossible.

Then he spoke and once again like that night at the club, I wondered if I was about to lose everything. My friends and Braxton may not be here, but would I be taken away from them just when I’d latched onto the courage to let myself believe I could have everything I wanted?

“Who the fuck do you think you are?” he asked, spittle flying from his chapped lips. “Little Miss High and Mighty thinks she is gonna take my kid from me, and that I’ll just sit back and watch.” He sneered. “Wrong... you’re dead fuckingwrong. That isn’t gonna happen!” One arm still clenched in his dirty claws like soon-to-be-eaten prey, he slammed his other hand hard against the car beside my head so hard, it had rattled my brain. Red eyes that screamed of the evil that would come left me without a voice as all my words became trapped in my throat.

Just then my biggest fear came true. An angelic voice so frightened and sad pierced the night's air.

“Don’t hurt Miss Jurnee...please don’t.”

Body still pinned to the car, I’d only been able to turn my head to look at Embry who had broken away from her wide-eyed foster mom and was headed right towards us. The only good thing right then was that a few others had also come out, and I was sure someone would call the police.

But would help arrive soon enough?

Mr. Jenkins didn’t look happy to see his daughter as she came running our way. In fact, he looked even more irate than before. No doubt that her wanting to protect me, was cause for more terror to come if he was given the opportunity.

Then with no care for what her father was doing, Embry slammed into the side of my leg, tears pouring down her face, and hung on tight. When her father's hand left the car and grabbed her hair to pull it back away from me, I saw red. There was no way this man was going to do more than he’d already done my precious girl. My leg farthest from Embry came up and, while he was distracted, I kneed the bastard real damn good right in his groin.

His hand released my arm, along with Embry’s hair, and he fell to the gravel-covered ground, howling in pain. While he was distracted, I picked my angel up and took off toward the building, just as I heard sirens blaring heading our way. I turned back to look at where Mr. Jenkins had been on the ground, writhing in pain, but there was nobody there. Theassholehad taken off. Someone needed to find him, because I knew he wasn’t done yet.

I didn’t have time to worry about that though. Right now, I had a scared little girl I needed to attend to. Her tiny teardrops broke my heart and it killed me deeply that I couldn’t just take her home with me. I didn’t know what to do, but I knew she was meant to be mine. Hugging her against me while she was still in my arms, I vowed to find a way.

I was finally home. After spending an hour talking to the police and then deciding to stay to finish closing up the center since everyone was rattled, it had turned into an extremely long and grueling day. Thanks to the cameras that Braxton had put up, the whole incident had been caught on tape. Now it was just a matter of finding that asshole, Mr. Jenkins.

Exhaustion possessed every part of my body as I dragged myself through the front door. The girls were both home and already knew from my phone call earlier what had happened, so they were hovering around me like mother hens. I hadn’t been home too long, just long enough to shower, change, and throw myself on the couch when there was a hinge-rattling pounding at the door. Alley went to answer it, and a second later, Braxton was there sitting beside me.

I’d called him just as I was leaving work the second time that evening and told him what happened. He’d had a late night too and we’d already agreed that this week was the girls and my time together before the move this weekend, but I’d had a feeling he wouldn’t stay away. Honestly, I was glad, I just wanted him to hold me. My besties were amazing but being in Brax’s arms made me feel truly safe.

With them wrapped around me, I was at peace.

Braxton pulled back from me and looked me over. A growl erupted from his lips as his eyes in the bruises that had formed on my left arm. When his eyes met mine again, I could still see the anger reflected in them, but this time, it was mixed with pain. I could tell it killed him that this had happened and again he couldn’t protect me, but he hadn’t been there. If he had, the bastard wouldn’t have left in one piece.Life sure did throw down its challenges.

Next thing I knew he planted a kiss on my arm before throats cleared around us. Braxton looked at the girls. “Mind if I steal her away tonight ladies? I know this was your time this week, but I would really like her beside me, so I can see her safe and sound.”

I should’ve said no and gotten mad that he asked them without asking me first, but damn it was sweet as heck and I wanted to be at his side too. I loved my girls, and I knew I could go curl up with one of them, but right now I needed this strong, compassionate man by my side. So, I looked up at my friends and saw nothing but appreciation on their faces. They thought it was just as sweet as I did.

Both of them expressed they were totally fine with it and said they would give us a minute before going to the kitchen. Seeing Braxton’s eyes fill with a silent question, I didn’t leave him hanging.

“I want that too, Brax. I’ll go get some stuff and then I can follow you over.”

“Babe, you’ve had a rough day. I’ll drive you and then we can figure it out tomorrow later. I know you probably have work, but I’ll bring you back here in the morning. Or I can take you to work and then pick you back up, okay?”

Sounded damn nice to me, so I didn’t argue.

“Sounds good, be right back.”

I started to get up, but he lightly pulled me back to him, placed both hands on my cheeks, and spoke softly to me. “I’m so glad you're okay, Dimples. I never want to know how it feels, if you aren’t. Love you.” Then, not waiting for a reply, he slowly lowered his head, and pressed his amazing lips against mine.

Taking in a deep breath, I had sunk into the pillows and inhaled Braxton's scent that surrounded me as I waited for him to come out of the bathroom. Damn the man smelled good. With his smell wrapped around me like a cocoon, I could get lost in his bed forever with him and possibly never come out.

Just then Brax walked out of the bathroom in his boxers and nothing else. Chest sculpted like a Greek God, his smooth, tanned skin begged for my touch. His ink was sexy, and I loved the words. Lord have mercy, he was packing something very impressive under the only stitch of fabric he had on. Remembering just how well he knew how to use that tool of his, my face flushed with sexual awareness.

Braxton gave me a knowing look before strutting across the room and climbing into bed. “You going to behave, Dimples?”

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