Page 6 of Entwined Souls

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We all stood and faced the doctor who just walked into the waiting room.

Chapter Four


My eyesslowly slid open and I registered the pain in my shoulder right away, along with a dry, gritty mouth. Feeling a bit foggy, I was having a hard time comprehending exactly what I was seeing. Sitting in a chair in the corner of the room, head back, eyelids closed and looking as gorgeous as I remembered, it looked just like Braxton. “I think I’m dreaming,” I mumbled.

Had to be a dream.I snapped my eyes closed.

“Jurnee, did you say something?” A deep voice rumbled.

Oh shit, it’s not a dream.My mind raced and I felt a little like panicking.

Taking a second to try and clear my head, I then fluttered my eyes open once again.Nope, stillthere. “Braxton, what are you doing here?” I asked, trying to speak the words that were coming out rough as sandpaper.

“Watching over you until you woke up. Let me just grab the nurse and let her know you're awake.” Standing, Braxton headed out the door.

I just laid there trying to figure out what alternate universe I might be in because something was seriously off if this man was standing watch over me. As I pondered this, it all started coming back to me in waves. Remembering what happened and not knowing where my friends were or if I was okay, had me freaked out.

Braxton walked back into the room just as I was struggling to sit up.

“What do you think you're doing?” he practically shouted.

Braxton rushed over to my bedside with a frown on his face after seeing me jump a little at his angry voice. “I’m sorry Jurnee. I was just worried you were going to hurt yourself, but I shouldn’t have raised my voice.”

Grabbing my left hand, he stood there, searching my eyes. Waiting. “It’s okay, I just don’t understand why you’re here and where are Alley and Summer? Are they okay? I’m worried sick.” He didn’t say anything, just stood there in silence, watching me. “Why are you staring at me like that?” Looking into his gaze, I tried getting a read on his thoughts.

“It’s just you’re hurt, in the hospital and yet your first concern is about your friends, just as it was back at the bar. You're an amazing, beautiful woman inside and out, Jurnee.”

I was floored by Braxton’s response.

Sitting there with my mouth hanging open like I’d been waiting to catch flies or something, I was unsure how to respond.Is this for real? Maybe I really was in that dreamland I imagined a few moments ago. I’d have pinched myself to check, but my arm was killing me so I held off on that.

Gazing over at the hottest man I’d ever seen, it dawned on me I probably looked like an absolute disaster. So, of course, I said the only thing I could think of.

“I have to pee.”

“That again.” He chuckled.

“Just kill me now,” I whispered, mentally smacking myself.

Braxton didn’t seem to like my comment too much because he frowned again.

“Don’t say stuff like that. You already scared us all, getting shot. Your parents and friends are all waiting to see for themselves that you're okay.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything by it. I just get nervous and say stupid stuff. But seriously, I do need to go to the bathroom.” The nurse magically appeared and started bustling around checking my vitals and then helped unhook me from the various wires I had attached to me so I could go do my business.

Damn, it sucks having this nervous habit.

I thought for sure after my dorky behavior that Braxton would be gone, but when I emerged from the bathroom, not only was he still there, but so were Alley, Summer, Landon, and Gyth. The room was packed between my besties and all the muscle filling the small space. Because of them, the room felt warm with love, instead of cold and sterile like hospitals usually did.

The guys said a few words and then all decided to head out and leave us girls to talk. As they were leaving, Braxton let me know that he’d be back.What, why?Once they were gone, I turned to Alley and asked her what was going on. I was so puzzled by Braxton's behavior.

“My brother refused to leave the hospital, your room to be exact and has been sitting by your bed since you came out of surgery. He feels like he should have stopped things before they went that far and blames himself for you getting shot.”

“That’s silly, it’s not anyone’s fault except for the man who had the gun. You need to tell him, Alley, make him see that he isn’t responsible for the events that took place, and he needs to go home. He just got back and has so much to do.”

“I’ve tried, but he’s stubborn,” Alley replied, rolling her eyes.
