Page 61 of Entwined Souls

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Everything was not alright.

A shot rang out and I couldn’t believe my ears. This was not happening again—there was no way.

But it was.

Sitting in my office, I hear Mr. Jenkins screaming Embry’s name and then the bang of a gun as it was fired, piercing through the hall clear as day.

Thirty minutes before, I had thought today may be one of the best days of my life. I had received two phone calls with news that I couldn’t wait to share with Braxton. Information so wonderful that it needed to be done in person. So, I’d called Brax and told him I needed to talk to him the moment he got home tonight.

I shouldn’t have been surprised when he told me that as soon as he was done with the client he was with, he would come to my work. Maybe it would be better to let him know what I found out today in a more private place, but when he said he was coming I was so happy I couldn’t tell him no.

What will he find when he gets here?

It was a question I didn’t have an answer for, but one thing was crystal clear—I had to get to Embry before her dad did.

Her asshole of a father was still out front in the lobby and I hoped whoever was up there would be okay. I slipped out of my office in a hurry and scurried down the hall toward where my angel should have been. As I got to the big room where most of the kids had been just a short time ago, I found the door was locked as it should be, and I had to quietly knock to get their attention.

Amanda, one of the workers opened the door when I let them know it was me and I rushed in, shutting and locking it again behind me. Turning to face the room, I was struck cold by the terror on all the innocent faces before me. Searching the open space with my eyes, I frantically looked for the little girl. My pounding heart plummeted to my feet when I couldn’t locate her.

“Where is Embry?” I whispered frantically.

Amanda had tears in her eyes as she shook her head and lifted her shoulders in anI don’t knowgesture. The words she finally spoke had my pulse skyrocketing further. “When we heard the shot and the shouting she bolted from the room. I couldn’t get her, and we had to lock everyone in. I’m so sorry,” Amanda said, now sobbing. Jason, one of the other helpers came over and sat her down, then took over talking.

“What should we do? The police have already been called, should we try taking them out the side door into the yard... or do we wait here and pray for the best?”

I knew sometimes it was best to just go on lockdown and stay put, but I also was positive that Mr. Jenkins was alone, and I didn’t want him making his way in here with all the kids. So I made the best decision I could at the time. “Get everyone out and as far from the building as you can. I have to find Embry.”

As I turned to go, Jason grabbed my arm. “Wait, you're not coming? Jurnee, you know he doesn’t like you, and if he finds you out there, I am not sure what he will do.”

Fear threatened to seize me, but I wouldn’t let it take hold. “I know, but I have to get her. Lock this door behind me and get everyone out. As soon as you see an officer tell them what’s going on.” I turned and left.

The building housingHopeful Jurneewas a decent-sized space, but right now it was eerily quiet and that made me nervous. Where was this guy and what was happening? But most importantly, where was my baby?


Because if we survived this, she was going to be moving in with Brax and me very soon. That was one of the calls I had gotten earlier. Her social worker phoned to let me know that everything was in order and that Embry could move into our home as soon as we all felt she was ready.

I was going to do everything in my power to make that happen, sooner rather than later, and I was excited to share the news of the other call as well.

As I rounded a corner, I faintly heard what I thought was someone crying. It was coming from the hall closet where we kept supplies. If I heard it, then Mr. Jenkins would too. Pulling open the door, little eyes filled with big sparkling tears dripping down the most beautifully fragile face, stared up at me. I couldn’t believe I had found her so quickly.

Hurrying in and shutting the door, I rushed over to Embry, sat down on the cold floor, and pulled the little girl in my lap. I felt like a sitting duck with no lock on the door, but I had to calm her down so her father didn’t hear her cries.

“Hey, Angel, I’m here now. It’s going to be okay. I’ve got you, baby. Shh shh, you’re going to be just fine,” I chanted as I rocked her back and forth. Her cries turned to a quiet whimper. I just kept soothing her, hoping when I said that it would be okay, that it was the truth. But as soon as I had finally got her calmed down, the awful man screamed her name again.

This time he was close, like right outside the closet.

The wooden door was suddenly forcefully yanked open, slamming against the wall behind it, sending pieces flying through the air, Embry screamed in fright. I jumped up at the sound, pulling her with me before pushing her behind my back. Evil eyes full of hatred glared at me, and my body shook from fear and the adrenaline pumping through me because I wasn’t going to let anyone hurt my girl.

Please let my babies be safe.

“Mr. Jenkins, you don’t want to do anything to hurt your daughter or anyone else. You can choose to do the right thing now and get some help.” I wasn’t sure what to say, but anything to maybe keep him occupied until someone else got in here was worth a shot.

“Get away frommydaughter,” he growled. “I told you that you're not taking her away from me, and if I can’t have her, nobody will.” The look in his beady eyes narrowed on me as he said those words, scaring the fucking hell out of me. I could see one hundred percent that unless someone stepped in to intervene, that he meant what he said, and that I was just an object standing in his way.

One he hated with everything in him.

“Please,” I begged. “Let’s just talk about this— “
