Page 66 of Entwined Souls

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The day was winding down. Not only had it been the first time Embry had been at the house, but we had visitors popping in all day long to greet her and everyone seemed to bring a little welcome to the family gift. She was so excited, but now she was exhausted. It was a lot to take in for a four-year-old.

It was fun to watch her with my parents, and Embry took to them right away. They were amazing people, so full of love and I couldn’t imagine anyone ever not liking them. They adored her and she gained grandparents in the blink of an eye. The little girl was thrilled.

Summer and Alley already knew her from working at the center, but today they deemed themselves her honorary aunts. Gyth and Kace both seemed to think she was cute as a button, although I noticed Kace held himself back a little. I’m not sure what that was about. Landon didn’t make it over and was MIA again, but he said he would be here in a few weeks for the wedding for sure.

Not only had we all spent the day with my angel but the girls, and I talked about the finishing touches of the wedding, and Embry was so delighted that she was getting to be the flower girl and to wear a pretty dress. One of the craziest things happening was that Kace was getting ordained and he was going to officiate the wedding. That should be interesting for sure. The girls would stand up for me, and Gyth and Landon, for Brax. Things had all come together nicely.

Holy crap I am getting married in just a matter of weeks. Let’s just hope I don’t have to pee halfway down the aisle.

So, all in all, it was a very productive day, but now it was bedtime. Bath time was done, teeth were brushed, and the story had been read. I couldn’t help myself and had bought a copy of Curious George, so that was the story for the night. Now, we were tucking Embry into bed for the first time. It was so damn hard to leave her all alone in here, but she loved her room and seemed to be fine. So I would be too.

“Okay, you ready to snuggle in and get some sleep, Angel?”

Her smile lit up the entire room as she dropped down, pulling her blankets up to her chin.

“Yup, I’m a big girl!” she yelled excitedly

“Yes, you are honey. We are just across the hall if you need us. Get some sleep and we will see you in the morning. Night, Angel.” I leaned over and kissed her forehead.

Then, Braxton, who had been standing next to me as I took charge of the moment, stepped closer to the bed and swiped a lock of hair off Embry’s face. “Night, Doodlebug. Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite.”

Embry’s eyes almost popped out of her head, and she sat up so fast, pushing the covers back.

“Honey, what’s wrong?” I asked.

“Why are there bugs in my bed and why are they going to bite me?” she asked, seriously horrified.

I could tell Braxton felt so bad. So he explained. “It’s just an expression, Doodlebug. Something people say just to be silly. There are no bugs here and nothing will bite you.”

Her little face relaxed a little, but I’m not entirely sure she was fully convinced. She did, however, crawl back under the blankets. Ready for bed once again, we said our good nights a second time, and then Braxton and I headed out of the room. Leaving the door open a little so we could hear her if we needed to, I felt marginally better.

But only a little.

We did our little nighttime routine and climbed into bed. I cozied up to Brax and let out a big sigh. Then a tear slipped down my cheek and landed on Braxton’s chest. Taking my hand, I wiped it off. A groan slipped from my man’s mouth and I knew then and there he was aroused.

“Baby, first tell me those are happy tears. Then be careful how you touch me since it’s the first night with a little girl across the hall and our door is open, so I have to behave. But when you put your soft hands on my body it’s hard to do.”

That got a giggle out of me.

“Yup, all happy tears. I will try and keep my hands off you, but now that I have had time for the bruises to heal and am feeling better—I really want you.”

I knew it couldn’t be now, but I was ready to make love to my soon-to-be-husband. Since I had left Braxton upset that day, then Mr. Jenkins attacked me and I had to heal, too much time had passed without us being able to give into the sparks that flared to life whenever we were together. I hoped it was always like that.

“I want you too, Dimples. Maybe we will be early risers and will have a water-saving session, and shower together in the morning. What do you think?”

“Sounds perfect.” We laid there in silence for a while and before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

The shower he mentioned never happened though, because come morning when I woke up there was a little guest in our bed. I had looked over at Braxton and realized he was awake, his face soft with love. Not just for me, but also for the beauty who laid in the middle of us. He curled an arm over Embry and I did the same, as we threaded our fingers together. I smiled at him, and he mouthedI love you, making my heart soar.

Then the four of us, three laying there, and the one in my belly, fell asleep once again.

Chapter Forty-Three


Bright,beautiful morning light shined through the window, warming my face and awakening me. Squinting through still sleepy eyes, it suddenly dawned on me that I was in my old bed and realization hit me.

Holy Crackers, I am getting married today.
