Page 14 of Unlikely Souls

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I’d tell you but then I’d have to kill you, because dammit I was trying not to admit that shit and get wrapped up in the man. I had known if he kept at it that I was bound to cave like—

I never got to finish that thought because the next thing Gyth said had me burying my face back under the blanket and thinking I’d never come out and look at him again.

“I hope you don’t mind, I put your things away. I have to say, Sunshine, your lingerie collection is to die for,” he said, and then winked at me with a sexy smirk on his face.

That’s when I had gone under and was never coming up for air.

“Go away,” I mumbled from under the covers. “Don’t joke with sick people, and certainly don’t handle any more of my things.”

Laughing, I heard him start to retreat and as he walked away he said, “Dinner will be ready in a few hours, rest now.”

Bossy, bossy, I’d thought for probably the hundredth time that day.

I wasn’t very hungry and didn’t know if I could face him again, but curiosity about what he made would probably get the better of me. Then again, they did say curiosity killed the cat, so maybe I should stick with not coming out of my hiding spot.

Tucked in warm and also exhausted I’d fallen asleep with the covers over my head, but they didn’t seem to keep the delicious aroma from hitting my nostrils and making my mouth water sometime later. I wasn’t sure how long I’d been snoozing.

I’m dreaming, right? He couldn’t have made something that smelled that damn good.

“Rise and shine, Sunshine. Time to get some grub in you,” he said as he once again rounded the couch and stood in front of me with his hand out to help me up.

Pushing up, I smacked it away. “I know how to get up by myself.” I am not sure why I was being crabby with him, but his nice routine was doing crazy things to my ability to keep him at bay I think.

“Okay, Oscar the Grouch, get your cute little tush into the kitchen then.” Laughing as he walked off, I just rolled my eyes and huffed out a breath in exasperation at his words. But one thing struck me as funny.

Did the giant just say tush? He is really toning it down for me.

My stomach felt a little better, and the aroma was heavenly, so I found myself rolling off the couch to my feet, and following the smell as if it were the yellow brick road and I was on my way to Oz.

Maybe there will be a wizard who can cure me?

That was freaking amazing.

Even not feeling well, I could still appreciate a good meal, and the fact Gyth made it himself surprised the shit out of me. Who would have thought something as simple as homemade chicken noodle soup could taste like we’d just dined at a five-star restaurant?

Move over Martha Stewart.

“I’ve never had anything like that, where did you learn to cook like that?” I asked, still seated at the table in the kitchen as Gyth cleaned up.

Yup, he cleaned too. This was getting crazy, right?

“My mom always made it for me when I was little and didn’t feel good or was having a bad day. It was my favorite comfort food, and she always knew just when I needed it the most.” His voice held a fondness about his mother as he spoke, one that couldn’t be missed.

“Well, please tell her thank you for me, that was hands down the best soup I’ve ever had the pleasure of eating.”

Gyth turned to me and I knew right then I’d put my foot in my mouth. The look splashed across his face told me his next words would confirm the dreaded feeling taking root in my heart.

“I would, but she died last year while I was away on a mission,” he stated, sadly, and then turned his back to me. What I wanted was to comfort him again just as I had during his nightmare the evening before, but his tone didn’t scream for me to get up. It had seemed final as though he didn’t want to talk about it.

“I’m truly sorry, she would have been proud. And the soup was just what I needed too. Will you tell me about her someday?” I asked him softly.

He glanced at me over his shoulder. “Sure, but not today. You need your rest. Go ahead and climb into bed, and I’ll finish cleaning up.”


“Yeah?” he replied hesitantly.

“What about your dad?” I asked softly. Thinking maybe he didn’t have anyone, made me sad.
