Page 16 of Unlikely Souls

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But all those reasons had flown out the window right then, because dammit I was looking my fill, just in case I never had the chance to again. And if I’m being honest, it probably was because it was Gyth that I’d stumbled across.

Staring, but also lost in my head, I wasn’t prepared for what had happened next. It felt like it all played out in slow motion.

Gyth shook his head as if to clear the remaining water that dripped from his hair, beard, and mustache, then grabbing the front of his towel he pulled it free from his body and let it drop to the tile floor.

The man was buck ass naked and sporting the most glorious birthday suit I’d ever seen.

A strangled moan left my lips, and Gyth turned in my direction, a startled look on his face.

“Sweet baby Jesus, what the hell is that!” I shouted, as my eyes bugged out of my head.

Oh shit, did I just say that out loud?

Realizing I had in fact said it not only out loud, but loud enough Gyth heard me, I wanted to crawl in a hole and hide forever. But I was still frozen in place.

Recovering a lot quicker than me, Gyth swiped his towel up off the floor, wrapping it around his waist again, and pushed the door open the rest of the way, making his way toward me.

Why the hell did he have such a smug look on his face?

“Sorry about the door, everything was steaming up in there and I couldn’t see,” Gyth said, an amused smile on his face.

Yeah, I’m sure he is really sorry all right.

Cat had my tongue and I couldn’t get any words out. My face was on fire, from embarrassment. So he just rambled on.

“You look as if you’ve never seen a man naked before,” he said, laughing as if he was making a joke.

Little does he know, he is spot on.

Not wanting to seem like a total freak I blurted out, “Sure I have.”

A low growl broke loose from deep within his throat. The man looked pissed, but that didn’t last long when I finished running my mouth.

“I’ve seen porn, Gyth, I’m not a total prude.” And after I said this, I looked around to find that damn hole.

The look of shock on his face would have been almost comical if it wasn’t at my expense.

“Sunshine, what are you saying? Are you telling me that is the only way you have seen a man without his clothes?”

“Umm…” Before I could say anything, I heard the front door open, and shut.

Then my bestie's voice echoed through the house and down the hall to where we’d stood.

“Yo, where is everyone at? I’m home!”

My eyes were locked with Gyth’s and a shiver ran through me at the intensity in his gaze.

“This conversation isn’t over, Sunshine,” he said before ducking back into the bathroom quickly as footsteps on the hardwood floor grew closer.

I turned as Alley rounded the corner and headed my way.

“What are you doing just standing in the hall girlfriend?” she asked me as she approached with a look of concern on her face. I realized I hadn’t had a chance to cover the rash. But at that moment I was more irritated that I’d just looked like a fool in front of Gyth.

“This is all your fault,” I told her and stomped past her back toward my bedroom.

Alley must have realized I needed space since I’d plopped down on my bed thirty minutes ago, and she hadn’t come knocking on my door.

Neither had Gyth for that matter, and I wasn’t sure he hadn’t just left at that point. I wouldn’t blame him, I’d acted like a teenager, gawking, and letting my words spill out without thinking.
