Page 23 of Unlikely Souls

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“Mommy said I could pay for it by keeping my room clean, and I’m even going to change poopy diapers.” That had been said with a sour expression, but she’d been determined at the store to get the car so she agreed. Then she carried on.

“It’s a Jeep just like yours Daddy. And it has two spots. One for me, and one for him. So I can teach him to drive and we can be just like you.”

The little one had sweet-talked her mom into letting her buy a motorized, two-seat, battery-powered Jeep. It didn’t help that her grandma was there and all of us, we were no help in stopping the purchase. It was funny as hell.

“Lucky me, looks like I get out of the diaper changes then and you have the driving all settled,” he replied as he tweaked her nose playfully.

Then he looked at his wife and shook his head as he chuckled. “Looks like my girl and all of you bought out the stores.” They shared an intimate look and then he told the guys to help him get everything inside.

As they started grabbing stuff from the cars, Gyth walked by me but paused while leaning in and whispered in my ear.

“You look good, Sunshine.”

The smell of him hit my nostrils, his facial hair tickled my cheek, and his soft breath intimately caressed my ear. Then he walked off leaving me standing there turned on and breathless.

I was toast.

Chapter Eleven


HadI said I was going to go slow and not scare her?

Yeah, I was so screwed, because the sight of her after not having seen her just one day shy of a week, had me wanting to never let her out of my sight again.

She was mine—no ifs, and’s, or buts about it.

Chapter Twelve


“Holy shit,now that’s what I call some nachos!”

I threw my hand over my mouth at the realization that not only had I shouted, but I also had said a bad word. Thank goodness Embry wasn’t in the room when it came flying out without a thought to what I was saying.

“Looks like I’m contributing to the college fund jar again,” I told Jurnee who was standing next to me.

“We won’t complain about that, but my husband here”—she laughed, smacking Braxton’s arm—“he has you beat by a long shot, and she can probably attend Harvard now based on his contributions alone. And with the other guys added to it, my little one could start saving for a house after graduation too.”

Laughing, Braxton grabbed his wife and hugged her close, and I couldn’t help but join in. They were too damn cute.

“By the way, babe, how did you come up with tabletop nachos? It takes up the whole surface and is enormous. Not that I’m complaining, you know how I love my Mexican food, so it was sweet of you,” Jurnee said to him.

“Anything to please the wife, you know what they say,a happy wife is a happy life,” he replied, smiling a wicked smile that seemed to have a hidden meaning, I didn’t even want to know about.

“Hey, get a room you—” my sentence was cut short as Kace walked in, with Gyth right behind him.

“Who’s getting a room?” Kace asked as he snagged me around the waist and spun me around a little. “Are you asking me on a date, sugar?”

Next thing I knew Kace no longer had his hands on me, and Gyth had him in a tight hold around his neck. He leaned in close to his ear but said loud enough for everyone to hear, “You go makin’ another pass at my girl, and I’ll beat your ass.” Then he let him go, pulled out a twenty-dollar bill, and handed it to Jurnee. “For the jar.”

Should I be mad he called me his girl when I never said I was?

As everyone laughed, even Kace, I just stood there closely watching Gyth trying to make heads or tails of what I was going to do with the highly lethal man that stood near me, clearly staking his claim.

My thoughts were broken up at Kace’s comment. “Well damn, all my boys are falling like a ton of bricks.” Then he too busted out a twenty and slapped it on top of Gyth’s in Jurnee’s palm and walked out of the room.

That girl is going to have money coming out her ears at this rate, I thought, smiling to myself and not even realizing it.
