Page 24 of Unlikely Souls

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Goosebumps broke out all over my skin as a voice whispered in my ear, “Darlin, that smile of yours lights up the whole room.”

I hadn’t really thought much about Gyth’s southern twang that was more prominent at certain times, but the more time I spent with him, the more I longed for him to talk just so I could hear it.

Just then Embry had run in, saving me from trying to figure out how the hell I was going to respond to Gyth. Lord, the man threw me for a loop.

She’d declared it was time to eat, and with that, everyone else piled in around the table to dig in and feast. We ate, laughed, and enjoyed our time together.

We also put a damn respectable dent in the nachos too.

I wasn’t sure my heart could take what would happen next.

As the day wore on, and evening descended, we had all gathered in the big living room, finding places to park our behinds: on the couches, chairs, and the floor.

The universe was playing a dirty trick on me because I ended up right next to Gyth. He sat in a chair with the fire glowing behind him and I sat on the floor close by on one side, with Embry in my lap. She had pulled me to that very spot and planted me, a twinkle in her eye, and excitement in her voice.

I think we have a mini matchmaker on the loose.

My stomach flipped when she jumped up and begged Gyth to play his guitar and sing. I wasn’t sure I could take it. I already knew how much it affected me and was already riding an emotional roller coaster. But I wouldn’t deny the little one her fun. The girl loved to sing and dance.

First up had been a song I could totally handle. He and Embry had sung, “It’s Raining Tacos.” Pretty sure they had been planning and practicing that one, so she could sing it for her mother, who couldn’t get enough of her tacos.

It was damn funny, and then Embry had said she planned to teach it to her brother. At that, all the adults had asked her what her brother’s name was, and the little angel wouldn’t divulge the info we all kept trying to seek. For a five-year-old, she was amazing at keeping secrets. When she put her finger to her mouth and pretended to zip her lips, the room erupted in even more laughter.

Then she plopped back down in my lap, just as Gyth started strumming on his guitar again, and chills moved rapidly through my whole body. I may love my eighties music, but truth be told, I loved it all. Music made me feel good, free, and alive. So when he started singing, “IWon’t Let Go,” by Rascal Flatts, I knew the song well.

It also wasn’t lost on me that his eyes stayed focused with mine, and the words he had sung were meant for me. Talking about not being alone, standing by someone, not letting go, and being there for that person when they couldn’t do things on their own any longer.

Gyth’s voice was mesmerizing and the sincerity in his eyes melted my rapidly beating heart and tore down more of the walls I had thrown up. My eyes pooled with tears as I watched and completely forgot about everyone else around us until the song came to an end and Embry jumped out of my lap and yelled that it was time for dessert.

Everyone chuckled, and followed her into the kitchen, leaving Gyth and me sitting there. Maybe I should be mad they all left me alone and vulnerable, or embarrassed that they’d all seen the clear display of tenderness that passed between us, but I was too nervous to worry about them when Gyth got up, set his guitar down, and came over to me and put out his hand to help me up.

As I looked at his large hand, I’d wondered if I set my palm in his, would it be like a live wire I shouldn’t touch, or a lifeline I desperately needed and wanted.

In the end, it was both.

A live wire, but in a completely good way, because when I’d touched him the electricity that zapped my hand, traveled up my arm, and had run through my body was lethal, but full of panty-melting chemistry. And at the same time, it was full of warmth, affection, support, and it was then I realized he was my lifeline and I just had to be brave enough to grab a hold and hang on for dear life.

I was scared shitless, that was for sure, but the idea of letting Gyth go and not giving us a chance scared me more.

So, I set my small hand in his and allowed him to lift me, pulling me straight into his embrace. After a few moments of my head resting on his chest, listening to his heartbeat pound as if he was just as nervous as me, was Heaven. Then, he leaned back a little and looked down into my eyes.

“I am going to be with you every step of the way for your appointment this week, and then you’re gonna let me take you on an official date,” he said. Didn’t ask, he just told it to me straight like there was no room for argument.

Of course, me, being me, I had to squabble a little.

“Don’t you tell me what I’m doing—“

My words died prematurely as his lips slanted over mine in a heated kiss, the shock causing my mouth to open automatically. He cupped the back of my head with one hand, as the other wrapped around my back and pulled me closer, closing the little bit of gap between us.

And I was on freaking fire. Damn the boy could kiss.

It was over too soon, as Gyth released my mouth and then leaned in toward my ear again as if he knew that set me ablaze every time.

“No more arguing, Sunshine, we will go out, it’s time. And if you keep up the fight, I may just throw you over my knee and spank your sweet ass.”

Oh. My. God.

Not giving me time to react, he released me, kissed my lips one more time, and walked off.
