Page 25 of Unlikely Souls

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“Let’s get some dessert,” he called out, already halfway to the kitchen.

Right, like I was supposed to walk in there ten seconds after that little show. I knew everyone would be able to tell I’d been thoroughly kissed and then some if I didn’t take a minute to gather myself.

But my minute didn’t last, because once I lost sight of Gyth, I saw Jurnee and Alley headed straight for me.

Fiddlesticks, I’m busted.

“It wasn’t so long ago I remember walking into the kitchen a little flushed like you are now over a man, and you and Alley had quite a lot to say,” Jurnee said as she looked at me with a twinkle in her eyes. Then in the next second, they dimmed a bit, and then she said what I’d known was coming.

“We will get to all that tomorrow when you also tell me what you have been keeping from me, and what is going on with you.” Again, someone else tonight not asking, but I knew for Jurnee that she shouldn’t have had to ask, I should have already talked to her.

As for Gyth’s demands earlier—well, I wanted to date, so even though I had fussed a little, I didn’t keep up the argument. Not that he’d really let me.

But to be honest, maybe I should have. I kinda wanted that spanking.

“Earth to Summer, come in, Summer,” Alley said. “Your face is beet red, and did you hear a word Jurnee said?”

Blinking, I looked at Alley, Jurnee. “What’s tomorrow?” I asked.

“Coffee, the three of us since none of us work,” Jurnee replied.

Alley rolled her eyes. “Speak for yourself, smutty romance authors work seven days a week, a writer's mind never stops. But I can try and hush the voices for a coffee break.” Smiling like a loon, I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Coffee it is then,” Jurnee said. Then she looped her arm through each of ours with her in the middle and said, “Time for dessert ladies, let's get to it.”

As soon as we had entered the kitchen, Gyth’s eyes found mine and were sparkling with mischief. I swear the man knew I had thought about getting that spanking just minutes before, and he wasn’t even in the damn room.

Boy, oh boy, I was in trouble.

But maybe that isn’t such a bad thing, I thought.

Chapter Thirteen


Summer’s facewas red when she walked into the kitchen, and I could tell she was embarrassed. I had no doubt that my kiss and words earlier had something to do with that.

And my girl was definitely going to get spanked one of these days. With that thought, I winked at her, and if possible, her face got even redder.

Damn, she was beautiful... and cute too.

Chapter Fourteen


Where wasthe fast forward button when I needed it?

I wasn’t looking forward to my appointment, but I guess the silver lining was that I would see Gyth. However, I still would’ve been glad for it to have been over already.

I’d made it through my talk with the girls, and after, I realized that I had been making it worse by holding stuff back from them. Once I spilled my guts, it was as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

I never doubted they wouldn’t be supportive and understanding. It was more about me not wanting to dump my problems on them and burden my friends when they had their own lives going on. But they were quick to remind me that I’d never feel that way if the shoe was on the other foot, and that friendship was about leaning on each other in all the good times and bad.

Neither of my girls were mad at all that it was Gyth going with me to see the specialist either. They seemed to have got on the Gyth and Summer couple bandwagon before I had. I didn’t know what he and I were, but I had slowly been coming around to the fact that I wanted there to be something between us.

However, I wasn’t going to throw all my cards on the table and surrender just yet, because the man’s head was big enough as it was. Probably both of his heads to be honest. Obviously, my mind was in the gutter, my girls would be so proud.Gyth was so damn sure of himself and strong. I used to be more like that, but with so many unknowns I was struggling just to keep my head above water these days.

So there I was about to share a very personal day and part of me with Gyth, and yet it felt right. I had been looking forward to my doctor's visit as much as anyone would a root canal, but Gyth seemed to be a highlight in the midst of it all.
