Page 30 of Unlikely Souls

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My Sunshine had my cock strangled with want and need, along with a serious case of blue balls just a few months shy of a year. I hadn’t been with a woman in some time, and that never bugged me. That was until I met Summer and longed to have her in my bed under me, tasting every inch of her, and my dick sunk deep inside her.

Since the day I came to Portland with Braxton and met her, no other women had even been on my radar. My mind may have not known I was going to pursue her since I’d felt like I wasn’t good enough for her and had my own issues to work out, but that didn’t mean my heart hadn’t been all in since the beginning.

Every piece of me would wait for her until the cows came home. Sunshine was mine.


Chapter Seventeen


“Doessomeone want to tell me why there are bras and panties in the damn freezer?” Gyth exclaimed as he went to get some ice.

“Yes, more money!” Embry shouted with excitement as she danced around with joy.

Jurnee slapped Gyth on the arm trying to look irritated, but it didn’t work since everyone could see the smile she was working so hard to hold back. Then her husband chimed in.

“Dude,” Braxton started next. “Watch your bad words around my daughter.”

“Daddy, you say them all the time, I’m rich.” The little girl giggled.

“She’s got your number, Daddy-o,” Gyth said looking at Braxton.

Oh God, this was a shit show. When I’d promised the girls I would get them back, I hadn’t been thinking about our breakfast guests.

“Oh my heavens,” Jurnee said. “What in the world—“ she started, but was cut off by Embry’s puzzled voice cutting in.

“Mommy, why are those in there, they are ‘possed to be in our drawers?”

Her little hiccups in her words were still as endearing as ever and even when she grew up and I missed them, I would always remember how they made my heart happy and full.

“Why don’t we ask Auntie Summer that very fine question kiddo?” Alley said, looking at me with her brows raised.

She was right on her mark and knew darn well who had done it. I used to do it back in our school days when we were growing up. I mean, what was a slumber party without some silly shenanigans, right?

“I did say, I would pay you back,” I announced as I stuck my tongue out at both Alley and Jurnee. “Besides, I promised, and what kind of best friend would I be if I broke my promises?” I asked as I looked from one friend to another.

“Auntie Summer is right, you can’t break promises, Mommy and Daddy taught me that,” Embry voiced proudly. “But you shouldn’t stick your tongue out either. Mommy,” she started as she turned to Jurnee. “Does Auntie Summer have to pay the jar for that too? It’s naughty, right?

Damn, this kid knew how to work a room.

“I guess you can’t argue with that knowledge and I owe the jar. This one here is a smart little cookie,” I told them as I patted Embry on the head.

Embry’s laughter erupted in fits until she literally dropped on the floor rolling. Holding her stomach she announced, “I’m not a cookie.” Then everyone couldn’t help but laugh along with her.

Gyth shut the fridge. “You girls are a weird bunch.”

Then as he passed me he leaned in and whispered in my ear, causing a chain reaction of chills, then goosies all over my body, along with another pair of damp undies that needed to be changed.

“Baby, the only lingerie I want to see is yours. First, with them on you, and then with them decorating my floor.”

When Gyth walked in the house earlier, just shortly after Braxton and Embry, I almost bit my lip off checking him out. He had on light grey sweats that shouldn’t have been that appealing, but on his massive build, strong legs, and delicious ass, they screamed, “I’m too sexy for my pants.” Paired with his fitted blue shirt that showcased his massive pecs, I was a goner.

Holy Guacamole, the man is definitely upping hisgame.

The rest of breakfast went off without a hitch, except for the part where Embry grossed quite a few more dollars for her swear jar. The kid was going to have more money than me for sure, and maybe even Bill Gates before she was eighteen.

Stuffed full of pancakes, bacon, and eggs I wandered out of the kitchen after everyone had helped clean it, and headed toward my room to change. I still was in my pajamas, no makeup, and hair thrown in a messy bun on top of my head.
