Page 32 of Unlikely Souls

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Summer shivered and I regretted not getting her back in the house sooner.

“You need to get inside, it’s still cold. Listen, I have a meeting tomorrow just before your appointment or I’d pick you up at work, but I’ll meet you there.”

I could see in her eyes she wanted to argue with me. She may have asked me to go the first time, and I thought she would want me there now, but my girl didn’t want to always show that vulnerable side of herself. In the end, she must have decided she didn’t have the argument in her.

“Okay, thanks, but you don’t have to Gyth,” she said quietly.

“I want to. Now get inside, warm up, and I will talk to you later.” As I leaned over and kissed her cheek another visible shiver ran through her body. But this time I didn’t think it had anything to do with the cold and had everything to do with the kiss. Even if it wasn’t on her lush pink lips.

Letting go of her hand, she headed up the stairs and turned to look over her shoulder just as she twisted the front door handle. “See you tomorrow,” she said. Then

she vanished into the house.

Losing sight of her, I couldn’t help but think how even if I saw her every second of every day it still wouldn’t be enough.

She may get damn sick of me though.

Chuckling, I headed toward my rig and started counting down the hours until the next time we were together.

Does this make me a lovesick fool?

Well, so be it then.

Chapter Eighteen


Dr. Lawson was gettingon my last nerve.

He may have told me numerous times to call him by his first name, which was Theo, short for Theodore, but that wasn’t happening. Nope, I had been keeping things very professional between us so I didn’t give him any hopes or indication things would ever get personal.

Theodore Lawson, and a doctor. Sounded just like someone my parents would push me to go out with. Not that all doctors were bad, but this one was for sure. And he wasn’t my type. He was a jerk, and a creepy one at that.

“Come on, hun, we get off at the same time. You know you want to have a drink with me.”

Did he not listen to me the million other times I had said no, or explained I didn’t want a drink, or that I had an appointment after work? I was about to call Alley and have her come throat-punch the asshole. She’d gladly do it.

Well, she would if I had told her about all his harassment lately, but that had been one subject I hadn’t talked about with anyone. Talking about all my medical stuff was hard enough.

A little voice in the back of my head was telling me that not letting my girls or even Gyth know just how annoying and pushy this douchebag was getting was probably not one of the best choices I’d made lately. Not that I’d been making many better ones.

But I was trying now, that had to count for something, right?

“I’m gonna say this one last time as plainly as I can—no, I am not going out with you after work. Now I have to get back to my job.”

Not giving him time to say another word, I turned and walked away briskly, putting as much space between us as possible. Trying so hard to not make a huge conflict at work, I’d not been that stern with Dr. Lawson, but I couldn’t handle it anymore and was already amped up due to my appointment later today.

As the day wore on, I did my best to stay clear of Dr. Creepy, and although I managed to do a pretty good job, it hadn’t escaped my notice that he was around me even when he didn’t need to be, or that he watched me closely, with a weird look in his eyes.

The man gave me heebie-jeebies.

It had finally reached the end of my shift, and I was tired to the max, but I still needed to deal with my follow-up appointment before I could go home and put this day in the rearview mirror. So I got changed, grabbed my stuff, and headed to the parking garage to my car.

You know that feeling when you can tell something just isn’t right and your whole body is screaming something bad is going to happen? Well, that was how I felt making my way to my car. But someone wasn’t behind me like in some scary movie. Nope, the villain was lounging leisurely against my car as if it was his, and I hadn’t already told him to get lost.

My only mistake then was even though my gut said turn around and just walk back inside, I continued to my vehicle thinking he’d let me get in without incident and head out.

I was dead fucking wrong.
