Page 33 of Unlikely Souls

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Every nerve in me was vibrating with irritation but also fear. There was just something off about the situation I was walking into, but all I could think about was getting to my car and hightailing it out of there, away from the man watching every step I took toward him. Dr. Lawson's eyes calculated every move I made as if I was his prey and a very delicious-looking snack.

I felt as though I had been being hunted lately. Now I was feeling caught.

As I approached, I tried to just push my way in to get to my door, as I used what I hoped was a no-nonsense tone and prayed it would work.

“I’m late, I just need to get in my car and I will see you tomorrow, Dr. Lawson.” The bastard planted his butt into the side of my driver's side door and folded his arms across his chest as if we had all the time in the world.

I had a feeling my time had run out.

“Come on, babe, stop playing so hard to get when you know that you and I are the perfect pair,” he said in what he probably thought was a charming way, but to me, it just sounded sleazy.

“I need to go,” I tried to say again, ignoring what he’d said to me.

His arms unfolded and his body stood up straighter as one hand reached for my arm, but I stepped back before he could make contact. I didn’t want him touching me, just the thought of it had my heart pounding in my chest, and my lungs working to take even breaths. Everything in me was working overtime to control the situation and also not show him any inkling of fear. Dr. Lawson seemed to be the exact type of man who would feed off that.

That’s when my mind finally said I needed to get out of here and it obviously wasn’t going to be in my car, so I turned to walk away, toward the door leading back into the hospital.

I should have run.

The few precious steps I took to put space between us were not enough.

Then the next few minutes happened rather quickly, parts of them are still a blur, but they’ll most likely haunt me forever.

His footsteps paced behind me, and I felt his hand grab my arm, spinning me around quickly and yanking my body against his. His heavy layer of cologne filled my nostrils causing nausea to swirl in my stomach.

My head spun, a tingle started in my arms, then a strange, fuzzy feeling came over me, but I had a minute where I’d still known something unwelcoming was coming, yet I wasn’t going to have control over stopping it.

A lone tear escaped my eye, and I felt the wetness roll down my cheek. That’s when I took those last invaluable seconds before the seizure took hold of my body, to pray that he would leave me alone once it rendered me helpless.

I wouldn’t be able to fight, my body and choices could be taken from me, and I would be vulnerable to his evil intentions.

Before I couldn’t speak at all, I gave him one simple word that anyone should listen to when you're not giving someone permission to hurt you or do something against your will.

“No,” I said with as much bravery in my voice as I could manage.

My plea went unheard.

His arm had forcefully wrapped around my back, his hand grabbing my head and hair, pulling it back harshly so he could look at me with his beady eyes. The look of malice on his face caused chills to race through my body.

“Just one kiss and you’ll feel it too,” he said before slamming his mouth against mine so hard it hurt. His breath made me ill, and for a split second, I wondered if I made it through this, if the taste of him would ever go away.

Everything around me started spinning in circles, the nausea in my stomach kicked up a notch, and just as I tried to push him off, my strength no match for his, my body started to jerk, and I felt his arms drop away from me.

I vaguely heard a mumbled, “What the fuck is wrong with you,” before I fell to the cement floor in the parking deck and the seizure fully claimed my body.

Voices—there were so many and other sounds too, but I couldn’t quite grasp what was happening in the world around me.

Trying to focus on something familiar, I strained to grab a hold of anything that could comfort me. That’s when I heard Gyth.

“Sunshine, hey honey, look at me. I’m right here, can you hear me?” he asked.

Trying to clear my head, something niggled at the back of my mind as a feeling of unease brushed every sensitive nerve in my body. My eyes darted around, and my mind began to slowly come back to life. Needing to think, I closed my eyes for a second, before they popped back open with awareness.

“Where is-s he-e?” I stuttered, pushing the words past my trembling lips.

“Baby, where is who?” Gyth asked as he brushed his hand down the side of my cheek tenderly.

“Dr. Laws-son,” was all I stuttered out before I lost Gyth’s contact.
