Page 45 of Unlikely Souls

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Before I could say another word, she interrupted. “Go, Ash and I will be fine, do what you need to. Don’t keep the man waiting.”

“Thanks, Alley.”

“Oh, hush it.” She waved me off. “You don’t have to thank me, but you can certainly thank your man properly.” Then she winked.

“You,” I said, pointing at her, “are pure trouble with a capital T.”

“Don’t you know it, now shoo.” Then she went back to petting Ash.

I told Ash I would be right back and she watched me a minute as I walked over to Gyth. Sensing all was good, she laid down on the floor next to where Alley had plopped to her butt and sat.

“How about I walk you out?” I said to Gyth.

“Didn’t I just walk you in?” he replied, laughing.

“You did, but humor me, I’m not ready to let you go quite yet.” I gave him a small smile.

His eyes softened and he grabbed my hands and walked me out the door.

Going to one of the white, wooden rockers on the porch, he sat, pulling me down onto his lap as he went. Turned slightly to the side, I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Thank you,” I whispered softly.

“For what, Sunshine?”

Where to begin? Gyth had been doing so much for me lately.

“Where do I even start?” I murmured. “I owe you—”

I stopped mid-sentence when a small growl came from Gyth and a frown took over his face.

“Let’s get something straight. You do not owe me a thing. Remember the part about you being mine? Well, that means I do things because I want to, not because I expect something in return. Got it?”

I didn’t mean to upset him, and I knew he wasn’t truly angry with me per se, but somehow I’d touched a nerve. Trying to lighten the mood because I seriously wanted to get to the goodnight kisses, I jokingly teased him.

“Got it,” I said. “But if I’m yours, then you’re mine and that means I can do things for you too.”

I unhooked my arms from around his neck and dropped one to his chest. Slowly my hand moved across valleys of muscles that jumped at my touch. Gyth was built and one day my hands would explore every inch of him.

“Sunshine, you’re about to get a real show, you keep that up.”

I felt him hardening under my ass and knew I was stirring things up.Very up, if I’m not careful, I thought and laughed out loud.

“You think it’s funny, woman?” He grabbed both my hands and placed them back around his neck.“Behave,” was all he said before leaning in and devouring my mouth.

These make-out sessions with Gyth were becoming one of my favorite things of all time. I figured I would tell him once we came up for air, but was still in a teasing mood.

“Your kisses are almost better than bacon,” I told him cheekily.

The man burst out laughing, a huge smile taking over his handsome face.

“I love you.” After the words left his mouth, he looked almost horrified and I didn’t know what to do. I froze like a stone statue shocked at what he’d said. All except my heart that fluttered frantically at the possibility that he truly meant it.

I hadn’t heard those words from any man before, except my brother. I couldn’t even remember a time when I’d heard them from my father. I longed for the day I would hear them from a man that could be my soulmate, who could be my future.

Did that honestly just happen?

“God, Sunshine, I fucked that up. I didn’t mean to just blurt it out that way, but I guess I just couldn’t hold it in anymore. I didn’t want to scare you.”
