Page 47 of Unlikely Souls

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I’d briefly seen his place a couple of times when he’d had to grab something, but this would be the first time I'd spent any quality time in his space.

Just before I walked out the doors, I realized I’d forgotten my jacket, so I turned around to go back to get it. That’s when I slammed right into someone. My hands had gone up automatically to try to stop myself from running into the person in front of me, but without success, my palms landed against a man’s chest. Looking up, I froze in fear for a second before stumbling backward, ripping my hands away from his body as if I’d been burned.

It washim, the very man I hadn’t wanted to see, and yet I had run smack into Dr. Lawson, our bodies colliding in a head-on collision. Before I even had time to do anything else, he moved toward me, waves of fury rolling off him. As he passed me, the edge in his voice made it clear he was pissed.

“You will pay for that, bitch, and I’ll get what’s coming to me one way or another,” he spat out with an evil look in his eyes. The suave demeanor he had always tried to use thinking it would get him a date or more, was gone.

In its wake lay an ugly, angry, man with a vendetta.

And it scared the shit out of me.

He left the building then in a rush and just like that my coat was forgotten. All I cared about was finding Gyth. Turning back to head outside, I glanced around to make sure Dr. Lawson was gone, and when I didn’t see him, I made a beeline for Gyth’s truck that I’d just spotted in the front parking lot.

Just as I approached, Gyth got out and came around to let me in but took one look at me and realized something was wrong. Laying both hands on my shoulders, he stopped me in my tracks and bent down to look me directly in the eyes.

“Baby, you’re shaking like a leaf, what in the hell happened?” he barked out the question, as his eyes left mine and scanned the parking lot. On more than one occasion, I'd noticed he always watched whenever we went out and was in protective mode.

Around him, I felt safe usually, but right now I couldn’t stop my body from trembling even though I was with Gyth. How was I supposed to ever be okay when it was clear Dr. Lawson may just do as he said seconds before? I didn’t know what he meant by paying me back, but I wasn’t wanting to find out either.

“Take a couple of deep breaths and then tell me what has my girl so upset.” Gyth’s calming tone helped me settle a faction.

Breathing in once more, I replied, “Dr. Lawson threatened me on the way out.”

“The motherfucker did what?” Gyth’s voice boomed.

Oh boy, now I needed to calm my guy because his face was tight in fury.

“Get in the truck, Sunshine,” he barked. Flinching at the harshness in his voice, his expression softened immediately as he added, “I’m sorry, babe, I shouldn’t have yelled and it wasn’t directed at you.”

“I know.” Because I did. Gyth was protective of those he cared about, and I was lucky to be one of those people.

Pulling his hands from my shoulders, he turned me around, staying at my back until I got inside his vehicle. Then he ran around to his side, his eyes scanning our surroundings the whole time. Once in the truck, he turned to me, grabbing my hand in his.

“Tell me what the asshole said to you.”

I went on to explain how the meeting went today and that just before my shift was over, I’d been called in front of the board and informed that they decided to terminate Dr. Lawson’s employment with this hospital. Further explaining how when I left he was behind me obviously when I was leaving and what he’d said to me.

“Gyth, I’d been so happy about the news and I just wanted to get to you.” Mad at myself for not being more mindful of what was going on around me, especially after the parking garage fiasco, I clenched my fists in irritation.

“Babe, you’re here with me now.”

“I know, but he—“

“He.” Gyth cut in, once again knowing exactly what I was thinking. “That asshole isn’t going to see another day if he tries laying a hand on you or threatens you again.”

He gave my hands a little squeeze and I returned it with one of my own.

“Now, are you up for dinner at my place or would you rather be at yours? We can go there if you prefer or if you want some time with Alley I’d understand. Up to you, just tell me what you want?”

That’s when it dawned on me Ash wasn’t in the truck. “What happened to Ash?” I asked with a little panic in my tone.

“Sunshine, she is fine. I just got caught up at work and didn’t want to be late getting you, so I came here first and then figured we’d drop by the house and grab her.”

Sighing in relief, my hands which had been gripping Gyth’s tightly with worry, relaxed. “Okay, let’s go get her and go to your place.”

“You sure?” he questioned with raised eyebrows.

“Never been more sure.” A small smile tilted my face for the first time that day.
