Page 5 of Unlikely Souls

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“Always the smooth talker,” she retorted before smirking. “Not many people call me sweet.”

“Then they’re not looking close enough.” This time she frowned at Kace’s comment, almost like he was uncovering a secret she didn’t want to be revealed. Then she brushed it off in true Alley fashion.

“You don’t have my number, so don’t even try. Now get your ass out of the kitchen and let me talk to the beast here.”

Kace just chuckled and walked out, leaving me standing there dumbfounded at how she seemed to always get people to bend to her demands. Whoever finally caught this girl was in for one hell of a ride. And yet it seemed like the ride had already started and Landon was on a downhill slope, crashing and burning the whole way.

“I’m leaving town next weekend for a few days,” Alley blurted, quickly drawing my attention once again.

“Where are you going, and is Summer going with you?” I’m not sure what I didn’t like more. Summer alone at their place, or Summer going somewhere while she wasn’t feeling well and I couldn’t make sure she was okay.

“I have a writers workshop I am doing out of town for a few days, and Summer will be home alone. It’s New Year’s weekend also, so it’s going to be a crazy time with all the parties and such, but I’ve had this planned for a while now and originally Summer was going to come with me. She isn’t working, but she isn’t feeling up to coming.” She paused a second as if trying to decide what to say next. “I don’t want her home alone.”

I didn’t either and the worry in her tone made it damn clear that wouldn’t be happening if she had anything to say about it.

“She won’t be.” That’s it, three little words, and I meant them wholeheartedly.

“She’s gonna fight you to the bitter end, Gyth, you know that.” She looked at me with a question burning in the depth of her bright blue eyes, asking me if I was up for the challenge.

“Don’t I know it, but I will deal.”And I will, now and always. Summer is worth the fight she is giving me.

“Why are you doing this? I think you're a great guy, but before you were holding back, why the sudden about-face?” Now those eyes were speaking a ray of pain coming my way if I hurt her best friend.

That was never in a million years going to happen.

“From the moment I saw her I’ve been drawn to her, but I know I don’t measure up to what she deserves, so I hung back for that reason and others. Then that day”—I didn’t need to say which one, Alley’s eyes let me know she knew exactly what day I was talking about—“every cell in my body screamed at me not to waste time second-guessing the feelings for her flowing through me when life is too short for that bullshit.”

I glanced down at my leg and with my right hand, I rubbed the top of it as memories crashed into me. Alley’s palm on my upper arm pulled me from the dark place in my head I had fallen into.

“I’m sorry, Gyth. For what happened to you, and for your loss.” A gentle whisper from her, along with the sympathy showing in her eyes was something I couldn’t deal with right now, even if I appreciated it. So, I didn’t respond to her words but finished what I was saying before.

“I’ll say it again, life can be short. I should know.” My hand once again rubbed my thigh. “After seeing her that day, and what I have seen in my life so far, I knew right then that Summer was meant for me and—“

My words were cut off as a sharp intake of breath echoed through the room and the scent of vanilla and daffodils swirled through the air, hitting my nostrils.


I didn’t have to look to know she was there. Her sweet smell always had my body responding every time she was around.

Then Alley walked toward her friend and I turned to see them both. Alley leaned in and whispered something in Summer’s ear and then disappeared without a backward glance out of the kitchen into the living area where the gathering was still in full swing.

Making my way closer to Summer, I searched her eyes as I grew closer. I couldn’t read everything fluttering through her sparkling green globes, but I did notice a shimmering of tears pooling at the edges that she fought to let fall.

Her soft, shaky voice pierced my heart, making me want to take up my sword and slay every dragon I could for this woman.

“You can’t keep worrying about me, Gyth,” her trembling lips said.

“I can, and I will. Just stop fighting me every step of the way.” She just stared at me silently, so I went on. “Alley said she had to go out of town and I want to stay at your place and make sure things are okay while she is gone.”

Equal amounts of fire and fury dried those tears in mere seconds and the inferno was headed in my direction.

“I don’t need someone to take care of me. I can take care of myself. You can’t stay, Gyth, so don’t keep asking!” Her voice raised a few octaves as she spoke.

I knew if she thought it was all about taking care of her, then it was not gonna work, so I landed a low blow by tapping into her need to take care of people. Summer’s heart was as big as the wide-open sky, and she never missed a beat when it came to lending a helping hand.

“We will help each other,” I started and watched her eyebrows raise waiting for the rest. “You know Alley won’t go if someone isn’t there with you so she knows you're safe, that’s where I come in.” I flashed her a smirk and flexed my pecs a little, drawing her attention to my chest. “Plus, I could use some input and help with my therapy since I’m still working through things with my leg.” I watched her expression soften, and although it wasn’t fair of me, I had her. With one more parting comment I spoke again, and then left the room, letting her come to her own decision.

“You decide, but it’s a win for us all. If you want to help us out.”
