Page 77 of Unlikely Souls

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One day, I would slide into her with no barrier between us, but now wasn’t the time. With the medications she was on for both her seizures and lupus, birth control wasn’t an option or something she needed to risk right now. That was okay, our time would come, but condom or not, Summer always felt like home.

As I slipped back in bed, facing her, and pulled the covers up over us, I saw she had a funny expression on her face. “What is that look for?”

Smirking, she said, “I was just thinking how busted we are and how much shit Alley is going to give us tomorrow.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “I already thought of that, so I guess on round two you will just have to be quieter,” I told her.

Summer giggled and snuggled in and that was how we finished our night. Fucking unbelievable ending if you do ask me.


Best place to be in the light of day.

Scooting as close as possible to the hard, warm body next to mine, I decided to take a few more minutes and just breathe in my man. His masculine scent surrounded me, tempting me to just call it a day already and go back to bed. As nice as that sounded, I had promised Alley breakfast and a bookstore date.

Hearing her already banging around in the kitchen, I decided I better get up and help. When I rolled over to get out of bed, a hand snaked out and wrapped around my middle, pulling me back into his chest. Gyth was quick, like a King Cobra striking, but I wouldn’t mind if he bit me.

“Where do you think you are going, Sunshine?” he asked me in a gravelly morning voice.

Damn that sexy, gruff tone made it even harder to do the right thing, but I managed to resist, just barely. “I need to go help Alley. I promised her breakfast after our doozie of a talk last night and then a girls outing after.”

“So, rain check on our nice and slow session, where I kiss every inch of your body?” he asked with a smirk.

“Don't make this any more difficult than it already is, Mister,” I scolded. He groaned and released me. I damn well threw myself to the edge of the bed, because if I didn’t get out quick I would be breaking promises to my best friend.

Gyth laughed at my clumsy, naked body, being launched to the ground and I turned around and stuck out my tongue as I stood and ran for the bathroom. Once I did my business, threw on some clothes, I left him in my bed, tangled up in my silky sheets looking like a God, and hoofed it to the kitchen where I found Alley.

“Hey,” I said tentatively to her when I walked towards the fridge to grab some orange juice. I wasn’t sure what to expect from her between our talk and my loud vocals due to the mind-altering sex that Gyth and I had last night.

Alley turned toward me, a crazy look on her face, as she pointed the spatula at me that she was currently using to make pancakes. “I’m buying you a muzzle or gag,” she said.

I couldn’t help it, I burst out laughing. It was kinda funny shit when Alley got going and there was no way I could say sorry for the phenomenal time I had with Gyth in my bed, so I may as well have taken her shit and rolled with it.

“What?” was all I said to her, a smirk on my face as I tried to control the laughter.

“Don’t you ‘what’ me,” she scolded. You and that Ox of yours are on my shit list. I may just hold back your bacon this morning.” It was obvious she was also trying to hold back a laugh.

“You wouldn’t dare, that would be cruel and then I would have to cancel the bookstore,” I told her, giving her shit right back.

At that, she burst out laughing along with me and that was how Gyth found us a few minutes later. In the kitchen, giggling with one another, batter all over ourselves from the food fight we seemed to always get into and me chomping on bacon.

“I have said it before, but I will say it again, you guys are crazy. You do know that right?” he asked, shaking his head at us.

“Now you,” Alley started. “I can hold back your breakfast after your shit last night,” she told Gyth, as she flung a pancake at him, hitting him in the face.

The look of shock on his face as it slammed into him and then fell to the floor was priceless. I couldn’t believe she just did that, but it was one of the funniest things I’d seen in a long time. He just stood there dumbfounded and Alley and I both giggled uncontrollably.

Next thing I knew Gyth leaned over and grabbed the pancake and shoved it into his mouth. “Hope your floor is clean because you can’t go around wasting food,” he said to both of us, a playful look on his face.

“Now who’s crazy?” I said to him.

“I’ll show you crazy,” he taunted back as he lunged for me.

Running as fast as I could, I took off out of the kitchen with Gyth hot on my heels. Alley’s voice boomed in our wake loud enough the whole block could probably hear her. It was like deja vu because this scene seemed to be a theme with us lately.

“No way, I am not listening to that shit again! I’m taking Ash for a walk and you two will clean up the kitchen!”

Ash must have heard her name from my bedroom and the word walk because as I rounded my doorway going in, she was running out toward the sound of Alley’s voice.
