Page 82 of Unlikely Souls

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It wasn’t a laughing matter, but I couldn’t help but giggle at the vision of my best friend going ape shit on the bastard. He deserved it, and man, I would have liked to have seen that part, while I forgot the rest.

“Wow,” was the only word that came out, as I processed what he just told me. I had the best dog and people in my life, that was for sure.

“It was a sight, seeing her pissed off like a damn rattlesnake, ready to strike again if he so much as moved an inch.”

“Who has Ash and where is everyone?” Before he could answer I blurted out the question I really needed to know. “Where is he?” I didn’t have to say whohewas, Gyth knew what I was asking.

“Sunshine,” was all he said before my heart started beating a mile a minute. His tone told me that I wouldn’t like the answer and because of that, I knew exactly where my attacker was.

“Babe, they had to bring him to the hospital, but he is under guard and he can’t hurt you. I know that I let you down before, but that is never going to happen again, and I am right here with you. He won’t get to you.” Taking a breath, his eyes almost pleaded with mine when he said, “Can you ever trust me again?”

Was he serious?

“It isn’t your fault and you can’t be with me twenty-four hours of every day. You need to let that shit go right now. Of course I trust you and always will.”

A smirk lined his face and I wondered what in the hell he was smiling at.

“Did you just cuss at me?” he asked, clearly trying to hold back laughter. I didn’t cuss all that much, especially not at him, so I could see how he thought that was hilarious. Both of us laughed together, and it eased some of the tension surrounding us both.

Tiredness crept in and a big yawn escaped me. “Where is everyone else?” I asked again because we had gotten sidetracked.

“Everyone went home to rest, but Alley and Ash went to Braxton and Jurnee’s. You can see them tomorrow. You need to get some sleep. Do you need some pain meds?” I didn’t want to take them, but I was banged up and sore, so I told him yes.

He hit the nurse’s call button for me, but nobody answered. They must be away from their station. Looking agitated and worried about me, he was on the move.

Leaning in close, he kissed me lightly, then slowly rolled off the bed so as not to jar me too much and got to his feet. “I will be right back, babe.” As he headed to the door I noticed he was limping a lot more than he had been recently.

“Your leg is bothering you,” I blurted. It wasn’t a question, but an observation. Clearly, he was hurting. When he got tense or was on it a lot, he started hurting more. But Gyth was like Superman even with his injuries. He definitely seemed more powerful than a locomotive and as if he was able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. I wasn’t sure about being faster than a speeding bullet, but I’d rather him stay away from those.

“It will pass, no worries. Love you, Sunshine,” he said as he pulled the door open.

It had dawned on me then that he said he would be right back and I panicked a little thinking he wouldn’t be in the room. “Wait, you’re leaving me here alone?”

He looked at me like I was crazy. “Hell no, I am not leaving you.” He peeked his head out the door and yelled, “We need a nurse down here now and someone needs to learn to answer their phones!”

That's my guy for you.

When he looked back at me, I gave him a huge smile that took up my whole face. Then I responded to what he had said to me seconds before.

“I love you too, Big Guy.”

Chapter Forty-Four


I felt like poo,looked even worse, but at least I was at home.

When I had woken up again in the hospital the next morning, I had spiraled headfirst into a lupus flare-up. It wasn’t pretty, nor did it feel good at all. How quickly they came on was crazy. I felt as if I had been run over by a monster truck, leaving my joints and muscles in severe pain, my hands swollen, and I had that very not-so-gorgeous rash on my back this time, as well as my palms, too.

But one thing was worse than all of that.

I was so winded as if I had just run a marathon, and my lungs hurt. I couldn't even go to the bathroom on my own when I tried to get up. Gyth had rung for the nurse, but I’d been about to pee my pants, so he had to help me there himself. Because he was so worried that something else would happen, he insisted on standing over me to keep an eye on me the whole time.

Just kill me now.

I know as a couple grows together in their relationship, they shouldn’t worry about stuff like this. They share most everything and help each other out, but right now, Gyth watching me at one of my worst times and having to help me go potty, wasn’t what I would call my finest moment, even if it didn’t seem to phase him one iota.

I had gotten to go home from the hospital that following afternoon after the incident and was now home, chilling on the couch with Ash, Alley hovering over me like a momma hen and Jurnee was on her way with the kids. I knew Jurnee felt bad that she’d been so busy she wasn’t right there for everything lately, but I understood. I wasn’t up for much, but being with my besties, little Embry and baby Hudson too would put a smile on my face in the worst of times.
